Saturday, November 11, 2006

a diiferent background colo(u)r

with the cold winter evenings drawing in.
this is a bit warmer.

like yer bed when you first wake up.
your nose is cold ,but you feel all toastie warm.

can i get away with lying here all day? think.
it is a work day.................i could fone in sick..................i aint been off fer ages.......................where did i leave my fone?.......fuck,i left it is on the other side of the room........goddamn it..............if i can just kinda take the duvet with me..............

but you nearly always fuck it up.
the perfect moment is gone.
and you go to yer shitty job.......................which you know,is eating your hopes and dreams,a little each day.

you dare not think how little there be left,but at least you aint a brown-nosin ,backstabbin corporate whore just yet........................and that will do fer now.


Anonymous said...

Perfectly put... that moment is so brief and you have to seize it... otherwise you might as well go and let them suck your soul another day.

Anonymous said...

thankee mike.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, it stinks to be grown up.