Friday, December 01, 2006

National Methamphetamine Awareness Day, 2006 (Yesterday,always a day late.)

"Methamphetamine is a powerfully addictive drug that dramatically
affects users' minds and bodies. Chronic use can lead to violent
behavior, paranoia, and an inability to cope with the ordinary demands
of life. Methamphetamine abusers can transform homes into places of
danger and despair by neglecting or endangering the lives of their
children, spouses, and other loved ones. Additionally, methamphetamine
production exposes anyone near the process to toxic chemicals and the
risk of explosion."


Ben said...

With what color ribbon does the meth awareness herd adorn themselves?

On a related note, I heard the "Support Our Troops" magnet magnate is now homeless, perhaps he should adopt this cause.

Anonymous said...

see Ben,as usual that vital bit of info is missed out.

"magnet magnate",i will try and remember that one.dunno how readily it is usable though.