Thursday, April 12, 2007

i just do not understand the world today

totally fucked up.

kids getting sent to die in a war based on lies ,so rich folk get richer.

politicians getting away with talking the most outrageous bullshit.then whe getting pulled up on it,wanting to"draw a line under it,and move on"

pension funds getting raided.

venture capatalists taking over companies,asset stripping them,laying off most off the workforce..and then moving on.

folks unable to get healthcare.

folks going hungry,while at the same time food is left to rot.

places being made into deserts so a company further up the river can get enough water.

i could go on,but i am fucked off and goin to listen t some music before goin to bed and resuming anutha day of ma shitty job.

harumph,harumph,harumph...................that feels better.

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