Sunday, April 29, 2007
maketh me smile
you let your,at the time best pal,play with the toy first.then when it come to your turn to have a go,you find out that the malicious little bastard has trashed it,almost just so cannae get yer turn.
and worse than that,he has made it look like a lot of the fault is were holdin the money,
you spent it badly,
got involved with some bigger boys who made you sign up to things you do not want to do.
you even got a "wifee"for fux sake,how much more could you do.
but then folk began to realise you were not the financial genius you said you were.
PFI(Pretty Fucked Idea),
gets all the costs of the books for the minute ,but leaves a hell of a time bomb for"your"child.
yup been there,done that,fuct it up for everyone.......well almost everyone,MPs seem to be cool.Whew,that wasa close call.
running better than ever you say.
strangely the folks that actually work for it and he patients who actually use it's services.say you are a lying sack of shit.
Welfare State,
money for the scroungers.
different than all the big companies ,rich folks who pay little or no tax.
anyhoo,this one seems to be working well.
Shut loadsa offices and make folks claim over the fone.
this adds an additional 2 to 3 week wait before there claims are actually recieved by the folks that will process them
.that is not a problem,they can apply for a Crisis Loan.
well they can try.cause they have to do that over he fone as well now.
If,and it is a big if,they are actually forunate enuff to get thru,they are unlikely to get any money.
makes these fone in ,rip off quiz shows seem almost kosher.
the big one.
yer pal has got involved with a crowd of bigger boys,troublemakers and ner do wells.
to try and be part of the gang he has got himself in a terrible jam.
a war seemingly without end.
hundreds of thousand of folks have been killed.many,many more woder how yer "old pal"can sleep at nite.
he tells you "it is cause he is a pretty straight kinda guy"plus the power of prayer.(note to gordo,remember the religion card,sounds like a goood un).
yer pal then spends months teasing you with when he is gonna quit,you feel more like Charlie Brown than Gordon Brown.he keeps on pulling that fukn football away...........AUUUGH!
never mind gordy,be your turn soon.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
anothe good un from
cost of the futility in Iraq...thus far.
See the cost in your community
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
McGlashan giving the English the good old finger
Dick Kuntz
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Andrew W.K. - We Want Fun
btw Johnny Knoxville looks like Earl,from my name is..............wunda who came foist?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
John Lennons piano on tor with George Michael
From The Whitehouse
Monday, April 16, 2007
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BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Five thousand rabbits blocked a highway Monday, tying up traffic after the truck that was carrying them collided with another vehicle and overturned.
Neither driver was hurt, but some 500 rabbits were killed, authorities said.
The M1 highway - the main road between the capitals of Hungary and Austria - was closed for hours while authorities gathered up the animals, Highway Patrol Spokeswoman Viktoria Galik said.
By midday, 4,400 bunnies had been rounded up, but 100 were still roaming the fields surrounding the highway.
"Those 100 are free to go. We will not collect them," Galik said.
The ending wasn't so happy for the ones that were recaptured. They were expected to complete the trip to a slaughterhouse, authorities said.
at least 100 escaped..............
Oliver Cromwell Parliament.
kinda apt these days also
Saturday, April 14, 2007
he had an exit strategy for Vietnam.
not funny,but neither are all the deaths.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Man says he feared for his life when 7 N.J. lesbians attacked him
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i just do not understand the world today
kids getting sent to die in a war based on lies ,so rich folk get richer.
politicians getting away with talking the most outrageous bullshit.then whe getting pulled up on it,wanting to"draw a line under it,and move on"
pension funds getting raided.
venture capatalists taking over companies,asset stripping them,laying off most off the workforce..and then moving on.
folks unable to get healthcare.
folks going hungry,while at the same time food is left to rot.
places being made into deserts so a company further up the river can get enough water.
i could go on,but i am fucked off and goin to listen t some music before goin to bed and resuming anutha day of ma shitty job.
harumph,harumph,harumph...................that feels better.
Man accused of advertising mentally challenged sister on craigslist for sex
Stomach tore open
A 31-year-old mother got a horrifying shock after a Caesarian section at St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim.
Tone Lise Johannessen bore a daughter by Caesarian section at St. Olav's, and on Sunday a midwife removed the outer stitches from the operation, newspaper VG reports.
"When I got up, I felt my entire stomach tear. I got help from hospital staff and was put into a bed. Then I saw that my intestines and the contents of my abdomen had fallen out," Johannessen said.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Friday, April 13, the world will be pooping for peace
For the fourth consecutive year, is spearheading the
celebration Poop For Peace Day -- a non-partisan effort to focus attention
not on the differences that divide humanity, for once, but the
commonalities that bind us.
Poop For Peace Day is, as I said, non-partisan and non-political. Pooping
for peace is simply about recognizing our common needs, wants, and desires.
It's about knowing that the twelve hours after Taco Bell are going to
unfold for each of us in the same exact way. It's about the fact that side
by side in a public bathroom, any two human beings are stripped of their
differences and reduced to their most basic essence: a pair of feet
sticking out below the stall, and a pair of butt trumpets performing a
greasy symphony in lament of humanity's non-negotiable deference to the
call of the vile.
Mystery cat takes regular bus to the shops
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
a classic of UK telly
roger moore and tony a white Jaguar car crashing in every episode(stock footage,methinks).
who could ask for anythang more?
MPs vote for £10,000 web funding
we already know they are a bunch of corrupt,lying, self serving bastards.
McCain Strolls Through Baghdad Market
Sen. John McCain strolled briefly through an open-air market in Baghdad today in an effort to prove that Americans are “not getting the full picture” of what’s going on in Iraq.
NBC’s Nightly News provided further details about McCain’s one-hour guided tour. He was accompanied by “100 American soldiers, with three Blackhawk helicopters, and two Apache gunships overhead.” Still photographs provided by the military to NBC News seemed to show McCain wearing a bulletproof vest during his visit.
what a trooper
Sunday, April 01, 2007
tommy cooper
Monday, March 26, 2007
the REAL World Champs..........kinda(from wikipedia)
The title was won by Georgia on 15 November 2006, who retained it in friendlies to bring the title back to Europe and the qualifying tournament for the 2008 European Championship. They lost the title to the highest ranked team in the UWFC of all time, Scotland, on March 24, 2007, nearly forty years since Scotland had previously gained the title in the game against England at Wembley that had inspired the competition.
[edit] Rankings table
Because of the unofficial nature of the title, there is no
authoritative criteria for ranking the historical holders of the title.
The UFWC website sorts teams by how many championship deciding matches
they have won: others have used cumulative length of time holding the
title, a points system for matches won, drawn and lost, or other
This table ranks the teams according to the number of matches that
they have started as title holders, and in the event of a tie, uses
cumulative days as title holder and then length of time since the title
was last held as second and third criteria.
Rank ![]() | Country ![]() | Matches as champion ![]() | Days as champion ![]() | Reigns as champion ![]() | Title matches won* ![]() | Title last held YYYY-MM-DD ![]() |
1 | ![]() | 102 | 13,000†[1] | 20 | 86 | current holder |
2 | ![]() | 88 | 7,506 | 21 | 74 | 2000-06-20 |
3 | ![]() | 61 | 2,443 | 10 | 50 | 1998-07-04 |
4 | ![]() | 50 | 1,580 | 6 | 41 | 2000-02-23 |
5 | ![]() | 44 | 1,700 | 8 | 32 | 2003-09-10 |
6 | ![]() | 37 | 1,251 | 7 | 29 | 1988-04-29 |
7 | ![]() | 36 | 1,198 | 9 | 27 | 2000-06-17 |
8 | ![]() | 34 | 1,333 | 6 | 25 | 2001-03-28 |
9 | ![]() | 27 | 855 | 8 | 24 | 2000-07-02 |
10 | ![]() | 26 | 1,435 | 5 | 25 | 1989-06-14 |
dude falling.................
exactly what it says on the tin.......
Saturday, March 24, 2007
maybe UF was to quick to put down the flip-flop.

Friday, March 23, 2007
Sleepdrinking! -have i?................

An American Airlines pilot was acquitted of the charge of attempting
to operate a plane while under the influence of alcohol. The cause for
acquittal: Sleepdrinking!
A British jury in Manchester heard testimony that first officer
James Yates had been on a six-hour drinking binge the night before his
flight to Chicago. However, what put him over the top was the third of
a bottle of whiskey which he believes he drank in his sleep.
He denied trying to actually co-pilot the plane, claiming that he
wanted to get to the airport to alert the captain that he was in no
condition to fly. He was busted at the security checkpoint. The flight
was delayed, but luckily only sober pilots guided the plane home.
The money quote:
He said a third of a bottle of whisky he had
bought that day may have disappeared overnight, because "strange
things" sometimes happened in his sleep.
"Strange things"? Any other examples? Do tell!
Despite being let off the hook by the jury, he is expected to lose his job. —
a good news story for a friday.....from the metro
Purity Balls........ironic..........
It has all the ingredients of a wedding. The
proud tuxedo-clad father, the frosted white cake, the limousines and an
exchange of vows.
But there is no groom and the girl in the long gown is no bride. She's daddy's little girl, there to take a vow of chastity.
In what is becoming a trend among conservative Christians in the
United States, girls as young as nine are pledging to their fathers to
remain virgins until they wed, in elaborate ceremonies dubbed "Purity
The gala affairs are intended to celebrate the father-daughter relationship.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
not meant to be funny,but...............

14 more from....
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
jebus wept,now it is Cheap Trick......
fuk,it happened again...........
soundtrack..............don't stop believin............
folk wanna kill the little dude..........bastards

Meet Knut, he has become a
symbol of the Berlin zoo. The baby polar bear was rejected by his
mother after he was born. Animal-rights group urged the zoo to put Knut
to sleep, because he will become too reliant on humans.
"Gotta Go Briefcase”: The #1 Briefcase When You Have To Go #2

one for when on the bus to work,or anywhere come to think of it .
i know it is not nice...........
click on this link................spin it around........a visit from Mr Whirly.
Police: 'Bored' Teen Girl Pummeled By Homeowner During Break-In
Altamonte Springs, Fla., who pummeled and broke the nose of a hooded
armed burglary suspect inside his home was shocked to discover the
intruder was a 17-year-old girl who apparently committed the crime
because she was bored, according to police.Investigators said
homeowner Dean Heinrich awoke at 5:45 a.m. Sunday after hearing a noise
inside his house located in the 500 block of San Sebastian Heights and
discovered the intruder standing in his bedroom."I was pretty upset," Heinrich said.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Man Cuts Off His Own Genitals in Drunken Rage
Tadeus Konopizc, from Zakopane Poland, cut off his own penis and
testicles with a 6 inch kitchen knife in a drunken rage after his wife
left him. He had reportedly consumed multiple bottles of vodka.
spite of his pain the man was able to call doctors. He described what
he had done and begged for help. Paramedics were dispatched who in turn
called for a helicopter to transfer him to a specialist hospital.
for the man the helicopter was held up by heavy fog. When he reached
the hospital it was too late to reattach his genitalia. Surgeons will
now attempt to surgically rebuild what he severed using tissue from
elsewhere on his body.
Friday, March 16, 2007
nu blogger sux the way to go.................
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Perry Bible Fellowship...............soooooooooopoib stuff.
anyone lookin for a cheap,if scuffed geetar............
she is like a bazillianaire.............
twas to me.
i do not drive myself-but this seems no bad................
helping Haliburton
although i read ,the administrations fave company is outsourcing/moving to Dubai.
to be nearer their main money earner,and employ cheaper staff......nah,that could not happen.........not in Dubyas AmeriKKKa.
oh well,as long as the money keeps comin into Texas,why would they give a flyin fuck about the jobs,and where they were at.
what a sick bastard,i had not heard the full story............
Roman Polanski

"Don't tell your mom." You've gotta know you just committed a crime when that's what you say to your sex partner in the afterglow.
In 1977, Roman Polanski, took thirteen-year-old Samantha Geimer over to
Jack Nicholson's house in Bel Air while the actor was away. Polanski,
director of the films Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby, had arranged to snap photos of the girl in her swimsuit, for the French edition of Vogue.
Eventually, the pair took a dip in the hot tub, and Roman gave the girl
champagne and quaaludes. Afterwards, there was fucking. But then
Samantha did tell her mom. Polanski was arrested shortly thereafter and charged with six criminal counts:
- rape of a minor
- rape by use of a drug
- committing a lewd act upon a person less than 14 years of age
- oral copulation
- Sodomy
- furnishing drugs to a minor
Ultimately, Polanski took a plea bargain and acquiesced to one count of unlawful sex with a minor. But then he fled to France before the sentencing hearing. He has never been back to the United States since.
But then, it's not like he has lots of fond memories of the U.S. After
all, it was in America that his pregnant wife, 26-year-old film actress
Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered along with four guests by the Manson Family. They stabbed Tate repeatedly in the belly and then slit her open to see the eight-month-old fetus.
Polanski gave Anton LaVey a cameo in Rosemary's Baby.
Twenty-six years later at the 75th annual Academy Awards, Polanski won Best Director for his film The Pianist. He has yet to return to the states to claim his complimentary statuette.
Dad lands in jail over Girl Scout cookies
"I am not the Cookie Monster," said Tory Caruth, laughing.
But cookies are why he spent time in the Will County Jail after the Girl Scouts sued him in small claims court.
Girl Scouts of Trailways claimed Caruth never paid for 118 boxes of cookies his daughter ordered five years ago.
The 40-year-old Joliet trucker is listed on permission forms as his
daughter's guardian responsible for payments. The 118 boxes were valued
at $354 when the order was placed in January 2002. Caruth claims that
money was turned in to the organization.
While his name is on the documents, Caruth said he never
signed the forms, which state "failure to turn over or any misuse of
these funds on my part will result in legal action taken against me by
Girl Scouts."
After he missed small claims court appearances, a warrant with a
$500 bond was issued for Caruth in December. "I did not know there was
a warrant out for me," Caruth said.
On Dec. 13, he was arrested and booked into the county jail; he made bail the next day.
Russelle Holsinger, a Morris attorney who represented the Girl
Scouts when the group took Caruth to court, said the arrest warrant
came only after Caruth ignored repeated requests to contact the
On a receipt submitted to the court, Caruth's daughter ordered
two cases of Caramel DeLites, two cases of Thin Mints, one case of
Peanut Butter Patties and one case of Peanut Butter Sandwiches -- plus
boxes of Shortbreads, Lemon Pastry Cremes, Animal Treasures and
Friendship Circles.
Holsinger said nonpayment for Girl Scout cookies is a fairly
common occurrence. "You wouldn't believe how many cases we have like
this," she said.
The Girl Scouts garnisheed Caruth's wages starting last month.
After court costs, he will pay $1,109.76. Caruth maintains his
innocence and said he'd like the Girl Scouts to apologize and go after
whoever did sign the form.
Sun-Times News Group
Murder charge against former mental patient
He won the right to refuse antipsychotic drugs in '04 ruling
An ex-con and former mental patient who won a landmark state Supreme Court
decision in 2004 that allowed hundreds of mental patients to stop taking forced
medication appeared in an Alameda courtroom Friday on charges that he killed
his roommate in September.
Qawi was sentenced to prison in 1991 for assault and battery for an
unprovoked attack on a couple in Oakland, a case that eventually led the state
Supreme Court to rule in January 2004 that mentally ill former prisoners who
are held in state hospitals after completing their sentences have the right to
refuse psychiatric medication unless they are incompetent or dangerous.
life sucks ,mostly.....No charges will be filed in the incident, police said.
Published on: 03/09/07
Atlanta men survived an attempt to kill themselves Friday by cutting
off their arms with a circular saw, according to Atlanta Police Major
Lane Hagin.
The men managed to sever three of their arms about six inches above the wrist, he said.
The two men — ages 40 and 41 — left a suicide note with the manager
of their Atlanta apartment building saying they were committing suicide
because their business had failed and they were recently diagnosed with
HIV, Hagin said.
After reading the note, the manager called police who found the two
men in their apartment with "a lot of blood," the major said.
Their names were not released. Police spokesman Steve Coleman said
both were in stable condition at Grady Memorial Hospital late Friday
and will undergo psychiatric evaluation.
No charges will be filed in the incident, police said.
— Rhonda Cook
help me rhonda..........sorry.............i doubt she can..................
Police arrest naked man on Iron Horse Trail
An East Bay Regional Parks police officer used an electric stun gun
to subdue a nude man on the Iron Horse Trail in Concord Sunday
afternoon, according to police.
The incident occurred about 4 p.m. on the trail just north of Monument Boulevard, said parks police Lt. Dave Dubowy.
The officer was on another call when a passerby reporting seeing the
man, who was standing beneath an overpass, not far from Highway 242,
according to police.
The man was not compliant and advanced toward the officer with
closed fists. The officer, who was by himself awaiting the arrival of
another officer, used the stun gun to subdue and detain the man, Dubowy
Paramedics were called to treat and evaluate the man, who did not
appear to be seriously hurt. He was to be taken to a hospital before
being booked into County Jail in Martinez, Dubowy said.
By Scott Marshall
Israel recalls 'naked ambassador'
Reports say he was able to identify himself to police only after a rubber ball had been removed from his mouth.
diplomatic immunity?
The Army is ordering injured troops to go to Iraq
fight are now being sent to war. Is this an isolated incident or a
sadly,not too hard to believe...........
Sunday, March 11, 2007
was this not a TV programme?jessica alba?
Duncan O’Finioan
was the Ultimate Warrior... brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part
of a highly classified MKULTRA program called PROJECT TALENT. From a thousand
others trained as child warriors in 1966, he is now, he believes, only one of
20 left alive to tell the story.
In his powerful and compelling testimony for the camera – one of the most
extraordinary we have ever heard – Duncan describes:
His mission to “terminate” the very drunk, future President of
the United States... George W Bush;
– His dizzying enhanced physical and psychic abilities... including
the abilities to hurl someone across the room with his mind, and walk through
a solid wall;
– How he and 11 other children were flown to Cambodia to deliver a targeted
death blow to all the surrounding Khmer Rouge troops... using only the combined
power of their minds;
– How his right arm is “hardwired” and is capable of astonishing
speed and strength;
– His struggle to regain his memory, aided by a car accident which led
to the discovery of a cranial implant uncovered by an MRI machine... deactivating
the implant and causing the MRI machine to catch fire;
– His role as a programmed assassin, targeting Americans under the command
of an undisclosed agency;
– The selection, torture, and brutal training process that he endured...
and which children are undergoing to this day.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
to save time,here is da whole link.............enjoi/get annoyed at the troooth
Friday, March 09, 2007
maybeez rehab aint so bad..........costly,but..................

it looks like hell on earth,bootcamp.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
wanna buy s FEMA trailer?

FEMA has some used trailers (41,000 of them) to sell and so far,
they've been netting "about 40 cents on each dollar spent by
taxpayers," according to the Washington Post.
That's OK, because taxpayers can get a good deal on a trailer if
they need one, right? Nah. FEMA is selling the trailers 300 at a time
to RV Dealers so they can be resold to consumers for profit. From the
Washington Post:
So we guess the real question is, does anyone want to buy a FEMA trailer..."As you can imagine, a public auction of so many
vehicles could devastate the market for travel trailers," Michael A.
Molino, president of the 2,700-member Recreational Vehicle Dealers
Association, said in a letter Friday to FEMA Director R. David
Paulison.Molino's group and the National Association of RV Parks &
Campgrounds asked last week that the trailers be sold in lots of five
or more so dealers can buy and resell them. Both groups said that
selling directly to consumers could pose safety hazards if adequate
training is not provided.FEMA is working with the General Services Administration, the
federal government's real estate arm, to auction trailers in batches of
about 300 at a time "so we do not flood the market or harm business,"
FEMA spokeswoman Deborah Wing said.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Navy Researching Vomit Beam - pretty sure they had it years ma youth.
You never know what's going to land in your mailbox. Last night, I
found a weapon that shoots an invisible wall-penetrating beam that
makes people so dizzy they fall over. (It can make them puke, too, but
I'll get to that in a moment.)
Okay, okay... it was only a description
of the device that I came across, going through my (mostly junk) mail.
The less-lethal weapon was one of many novelties described in an
invitation to the "Navy's 07 'Opportunity Forum" for small businesses.
Invocon, Inc., one of dozens of companies expected to showcase their wares at the forum, says it'll be there to display its "non-lethal, stand-off weapon for military and law enforcement personnel that could ultimately work through walls and other non-metallic structures."
They've even got a Navy contract to develop the thing. I looked up
Invocon's contract in the Navy's Small Business Innovative Research
database and found this slightly more detailed description of the work:
IVC proposes to investigate the use of beamed RF [radio
frequency] energy to excite and interrupt the normal process of human
hearing and equilibrium. The focus will be in two areas. (1)
Interruption of the mechanical transduction process by which sound and
position (relative to gravity) are converted to messages that are
processed by the brain. (2) Interruption of the chemical engine which
sustains the proper operation of the nerve cells that respond to the
mechanical transduction mechanisms referenced in item (1). Interruption
of either or both of these processes has been clinically shown to
produce complete disorientation and confusion.
Wow! Through the walls? That even beats the Active Denial System -- the pain ray that Noah wrote about the other day. Invocon even touts its device as a "Star Trek hand-held Phaser Weapon set on 'Stun'."
However, rather than causing intense pain, like the Active Denial
System, Invocon is advertising a weapon that boasts the ability to go
through walls and incapacitate everyone in a room by making them loose
their balance. "Second order effects would be extreme motion sickness,"
the company notes.
Basically, you're safely in your house, an invisible beam hits you,
you feel dizzy, and fall over (or puke). Or so goes the promotion:
The benefits of such a weapon would be that in areas of extreme
risk to Marine Corps personnel, hostiles could be controlled without
loss of life. The weapon effect would be helpful in urban combat where
rooms could be subjected to the EPIC stimulus and then subdued without
further risk to friendlies or hostiles. Similar technology could be
applied to law enforcement operations especially in hostage situations
where all the people in a room could be incapacitated without damage
and subsequently sorted out as to which are the bad guys and which are
the good guys.
Invocon claims they have already held the "first known
demonstration" of this technology. You gotta wonder who that lucky
employee was.
[For those of you interested in learning more about the very weird effects of radio-frequency weapons, check out David Hambling's excellent -- and often terrifying -- writing on the subject]
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Navy Researching Vomit Beam - pretty sure they had it years ma youth.
You never know what's going to land in your mailbox. Last night, I
found a weapon that shoots an invisible wall-penetrating beam that
makes people so dizzy they fall over. (It can make them puke, too, but
I'll get to that in a moment.)
Okay, okay... it was only a description
of the device that I came across, going through my (mostly junk) mail.
The less-lethal weapon was one of many novelties described in an
invitation to the "Navy's 07 'Opportunity Forum" for small businesses.
Invocon, Inc., one of dozens of companies expected to showcase their wares at the forum, says it'll be there to display its "non-lethal, stand-off weapon for military and law enforcement personnel that could ultimately work through walls and other non-metallic structures."
They've even got a Navy contract to develop the thing. I looked up
Invocon's contract in the Navy's Small Business Innovative Research
database and found this slightly more detailed description of the work:
IVC proposes to investigate the use of beamed RF [radio
frequency] energy to excite and interrupt the normal process of human
hearing and equilibrium. The focus will be in two areas. (1)
Interruption of the mechanical transduction process by which sound and
position (relative to gravity) are converted to messages that are
processed by the brain. (2) Interruption of the chemical engine which
sustains the proper operation of the nerve cells that respond to the
mechanical transduction mechanisms referenced in item (1). Interruption
of either or both of these processes has been clinically shown to
produce complete disorientation and confusion.
Wow! Through the walls? That even beats the Active Denial System -- the pain ray that Noah wrote about the other day. Invocon even touts its device as a "Star Trek hand-held Phaser Weapon set on 'Stun'."
However, rather than causing intense pain, like the Active Denial
System, Invocon is advertising a weapon that boasts the ability to go
through walls and incapacitate everyone in a room by making them loose
their balance. "Second order effects would be extreme motion sickness,"
the company notes.
Basically, you're safely in your house, an invisible beam hits you,
you feel dizzy, and fall over (or puke). Or so goes the promotion:
The benefits of such a weapon would be that in areas of extreme
risk to Marine Corps personnel, hostiles could be controlled without
loss of life. The weapon effect would be helpful in urban combat where
rooms could be subjected to the EPIC stimulus and then subdued without
further risk to friendlies or hostiles. Similar technology could be
applied to law enforcement operations especially in hostage situations
where all the people in a room could be incapacitated without damage
and subsequently sorted out as to which are the bad guys and which are
the good guys.
Invocon claims they have already held the "first known
demonstration" of this technology. You gotta wonder who that lucky
employee was.
[For those of you interested in learning more about the very weird effects of radio-frequency weapons, check out David Hambling's excellent -- and often terrifying -- writing on the subject]