Saturday, December 30, 2006
Scotland's New Year's Eve Celebrations or Hogmanay

Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Blair's plane in runway drama
tug the plane back from the end of the runway and back on to the
taxiway, damaging two runway lights in the process.
incident caused a 45-minute delay for Mr Blair and the other
passengers. No one was injured. The prime minister, who was believed to
be with his wife, Cherie, and some of his children, was travelling to
Miami to stay with former Bee Gee Barry Gibb.
...............what possible connection could mr tony have to a bee gee?
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Pyjama ban for UAE civil servants
The Gulf emirate of Ras al-Khaimah has introduced a new dress code targeted in part at people wearing pyjamas to work.
The head of the emirate's personnel department was
quoted as saying that large numbers of civil servants were wearing
sleeping clothes and pyjamas.
Monday, December 18, 2006
work in december is wierd
do you want to go out for a meal?(we never socialise,so why once a year).
you comin to the pub for a drink?(i am with my section,but we do thruout the year)
not entirely sure what it is all about,i think folks who have young kids or young kids
themselves love crimbo.the rest of us are just kinda goin with the flow as best we can.
on a personal level,i have had truble for years with december.made worse when my father passed 2 years ago,in december.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Russian squirrel pack 'kills dog'

he does look kinda "fiesty".................
Friday, December 15, 2006
One Last Lie for the Road
time for a meet-and-greet with the kids I�ve sent to war.
Thank goodness I�m not going to have to do this
again, though; I was born an upbeat guy, but it does
get to you knowing that the thing is such a bloody
mess and yet more of them are going to be sacrificed.
Did I write a secret memo saying that I don�t
believe in this thing anymore? You bet! But you can�t
let the public in on that and just cut-and-run.
Jeez, how would that look for the Rummy Legacy?
derriere in order to get him to take on Iran,
and now I leave Iraq in the hands of those Iraqi
Shiites who were trained in a decade of exile in Iran.
Those are the insurgents I�m worried about, not
those Sunni guys who used to be with us.
Should I have tried to convince young Bush that
Hussein could be brought over to our side? Probably
Thursday, December 14, 2006
saudi arabia seems to have sway over US/UK
More on this hopefully later, but
in the meantime here's the initial dirt. They certainly pick their moments. And
other depressingly overused
Saudi Arabia has given Britain 10 days to halt a fraud investigationWell, it took just a little over ten days. Here's
into the country's arms trade - or lose a £10 billion Eurofighter
The Serious Fraud Office is discontinuing its investigation into a'It has been necessary to balance the need to maintain the rule
multi-billion pound arms deals with Saudi Arabia, it has been
Attorney General Lord Goldsmith said the decision had been
made in the wider public interest, which had to be balanced against the rule of
of law against the wider public interest,' apparently. Just what this wider
public interest entails other than the massively subsidised (at the UK taxpayers
expense) jobs in the British defence industry and the flogging of weapons to an
oppressive regime, isn't clear.
From now on, upon hearing the words 'rule
of law' trip from the mouth of a New Labour hack, the urge to spit will be nigh
on irresistible.
this is kinda scary - i thought this was what the "bad guys"do.
says that he "does not appreciate the nature and
consequences of the proceedings against him,
is unable to render assistance to counsel, and has
impairments in reasoning as the result of a mental
illness, ie, post-traumatic stress disorder, complicated
by the neuropsychiatric effects of prolonged
isolation". José Padilla appears to have been lobotomised:
not medically, but socially. If this was an attempt
to extract information, it was ineffective...
Bush and Ashcroft made a big deal out of stopping Padilla before he
blew up America.
But when the Supreme Court said he had to charge padilla, they didn't
charge him with
trying to blow up America because they didn't have any evidence that
would hold up.
So they charged him with whatever "crimes" they could think of, instead.
would it be dangerous to let him see where he was walking?
would it be dangerous for him to hear his surroundings?
This is an American citizen - denied his "inalienable" rights.
That's what happens when Fascism runs our government.
away the Constitution
so this guilty-or-unlucky American is going to rot in jail until he
dies or until Bush leaves office.
Oh dear,how sad,nevermind.
There was a knock on the door of Number 10, and in came police officers for a
little chat. Unlike his friend Lord Levy, he was not interviewed under caution,
nor was there a lawyer present. But he is the first serving Prime Minister to be
interviewed by the police.
Will the combination of the cash for honours
scandal and the war in Iraq put a lasting blight on Tony Blair's 10 years as
leader, and the office of Prime Minister?
i fuckin hope so.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Texas is different............
We are going to let blind people hunt!
A lawmaker in this firearm-friendly state wants to help more people get
the chance to shoot live animals - even if those people can't see.
A bill filed for the 2007 legislative session would permit legally
blind hunters to use laser sights, or lighted pointing instruments.
"This opens up the fun of hunting to additional people, and I think
that's great," said Republican Rep. Edmund Kuempel, the bill's sponsor.
Visually impaired people are allowed to shoot now with the aid of a
sighted person, he said, a requirement that would continue if the
sights were legalized.
Only in Texas (for now) but I can see a movement sweeping the nation!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
i cannot begin to imagine how they feel.
Staten Island soldier by a man in uniform - word that her beloved was
killed in combat in Iraq. The second was delivered two hours later by a
FedEx truck - a package from Sgt. Yevgeniy Ryndych with an engagement
ring inside.
This story of love, war and cruel fate was described
by Ryndych's grieving brother last night after the military confirmed
that the 24-year-old soldier was felled Wednesday by a homemade bomb
while on foot patrol with his unit in Ramadi.
Fighting back tears, his face tight with grief, Ivan
Ryndych said his brother's beloved was named Kim, but he couldn't bring
himself to talk about her - or what their life together might have
But his eyes flashed with anger when he realized he
lost his brother on the same day a historic report damning President
Bush's failing Iraq strategy came out. "It won't change anything," said
Ivan Ryndych, 20, today.
Ten Reasons Why You Should Never Accept a Diamond Ring
a Diamond Ring from Anyone, Under Any Circumstances, Even If They
Really Want to Give You One
1. You've Been Psychologically Conditioned To Want a Diamond
The diamond engagement ring is a 63-year-old invention of N.W.Ayer
advertising agency. The De Beers diamond cartel contracted N.W.Ayer to
create a demand for what are, essentially, useless hunks of rock.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
the quantity of their blogging.
well,apart from having talent .
that probably helps.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
‘It’s Bad In Iraq. That Help?’......................no,not really.
i hear tonee bliar has still to collect his Medal,awarded by dubya,for bein a loyal poodle or summat.
too busy.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Repeal Day
In the United States, Repeal Day is celebrated on December 5. The Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified on December 5th, 1933. The Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and thus effectively ended nationwide alcohol prohibition.
Generally, Repeal Day is celebrated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
i had not heard of this,i raise a glass to those Stateside.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Blair defiant over NHS criticism
and he is famous for that,his caring side i mean.
dunno how he sleeps at nights.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Long horse

Above, a color photo of a long horse.
later years, unethical breeders were breeding longer and longer horses.
Eventually, their spines gave out, leading to the extinction of the
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Hypothermia..........or just a way in the front door?

Charities have been inundated with the babies from second litters which have not put on enough winter weight.
"People are ringing up saying they've found a hedgehog
that looks drunk," said Hugh Warwick of the Hedgehog Preservation
"Hedgehogs are suffering from the early stages of hypothermia, they're beginning to shake and to wobble."
They lost interest?....... surely a perfect Christmas gift.a chance missed.
development. It looked a bit like a flying garbage can, with the pilot
standing on the fuel tank and a 600-pound turbofan engine mounted in
front of him. Performance of the WASP was impressive, with a speed of
60 mph and a service ceiling of 10,000 feet. Maximum flight time was
just over 30 minutes. The craft was listed in Jane's All the World's Aircraft as late as the 1985 edition but once again the army, which had financed its development, lost interest.

Friday, December 01, 2006
National Methamphetamine Awareness Day, 2006 (Yesterday,always a day late.)
affects users' minds and bodies. Chronic use can lead to violent
behavior, paranoia, and an inability to cope with the ordinary demands
of life. Methamphetamine abusers can transform homes into places of
danger and despair by neglecting or endangering the lives of their
children, spouses, and other loved ones. Additionally, methamphetamine
production exposes anyone near the process to toxic chemicals and the
risk of explosion."
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Naked man smokes crack and gets attacked by an 11-foot aligator.
This morning in Florida, a large alligator tried to eat a naked gentleman who was smoking crack.

The alligator had the man in his jaws when deputies arrived at Lake
Parker in Lakeland about 4 a.m. today. They were called by nearby
residents who reported hearing a man yelling for help.
[Adrian J.] Apgar, 45, of Polk City, suffered a broken arm, partially amputated left arm and trauma to his left leg.
happened in Orlando,i think his mustache probably saved his life.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
US drinker stabbed for not washing hands - an overreaction?
Those men among you who indulge in the woman-enraging provocation of
not putting the loo seat back down after taking a leak should count
yourselves lucky you're not in Fort Worth, Texas, where some people
take the matter of good toilet habits very seriously indeed.
Just ask 25-year-old Morgan Jackson, who was with two drinking
buddies in the car park of the Tumbleweeds Sports Bar last Thursday
evening when an infuriated toilet user charged them with a knife
"because he apparently grew angry that one of the men didn't wash his
hands in the bathroom", as the Houston Chronicle explains.
Indeed, so pissed off was 27-year-old Eric Jennings Kisiah that he
stabbed Jackson three times in his left torso and once in his back with
an eight-inch knife which was subsequently recovered close to the scene
of the incident.
Prior to the attack, Kisiah "confronted a group of three friends at
the bar because he was upset about one of them not washing his hands
after using the restroom", according to the police report. He "called
the men names and told them that they were dirty" before leaving with
the threat to "slash their throats", as one of the men recounted.
When the three pals eventually left the bar, Kisiah launched his
assault from behind a shrub where he'd being lying in wait. He was
restrained by "several men" until the cops arrived.
Jackson was later reported to be in "good condition" following
surgery at a Fort Worth hospital. Kisiah was cuffed on "suspicion of
aggravated assault with a deadly weapon" and held in Mansfield Jail
with bail set at $20,000."
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
20,000 Muslim protesters in Istanbul were chanting “Pope don’t come!” (Seriously.)
"You can imagine several reasons why the Muslims would chant “Pope don’t come!”
1. Muslims are supportive of the Pope’s celibacy and rooting for him.
2. Muslims have already locked up their sons but feel that an extra precaution is warranted.
3. No one wants to clean it up.
In a crowd of 20,000 people, you have to figure they have different reasons.
I immediately imagined a second group of protesters with a modest
grasp of Western slang chanting “Pope don’t shit in our woods!” It’s
important to cover all the bases, chant-wise. You’d hate yourself later
if the Pope went and did the one thing you forgot to chant."
"I also imagine the Pope trying to craft his speeches so as to not
ignite World War III. It wouldn’t take much of a gaffe – a
mistranslated verb, an unclear proverb, quoting an ancient scholar who
said Muslims are God’s dingleberries – this sort of slip can happen. No
one is infallible.
I also wonder what the Muslims think of this man of peace who
carries a scepter featuring a bearded Middle Eastern guy nailed to a
cross. I’m no expert in body language and dressing for success, but I
have to think it’s wise to hide your torture-themed novelty toys when
you’re pursuing world peace.
I read that the president of Turkey plans to present the Pope with a
COPY of the imperial order for tolerance issued by the Ottoman Sultan
who seized Istanbul from Christians in 1453. Now if we ignore for the
moment that you can buy one of those at the airport gift shop for
$1.75, there’s also the question of what message it sends. On one hand
it could mean “We Muslims mean Christians no harm.” Or it could mean
“Neener neener – you have been our bitch since before Columbus was a
zygote!” I think it could go either way.
Anyway, I know I feel more comfortable with the Pope in Turkey. When
it comes to handling delicate matters affecting the survival of the
planet, you want to send in the 79-year old German guy with a Marge
Simpson hat, a history of talking directly to God, and seven decades of
sperm backup. I don’t see how that could go wrong."
from dilbertblog
a draft dodger says...........his poodle arfs
![]() A number of countries refuse to fight in southern Afghanistan |
US President George W Bush has berated Nato members reluctant to
send troops to Afghan hotspots, demanding they must accept "difficult
Blair urges 'flexible' Nato force
![]() Tony Blair wants other Nato nations to commit more troops |
Tony Blair wants a "flexible" Nato force to prevent Afghanistan falling back into the hands of the Taleban.
he "wants" a fucking slap,is what he wants.
basically they are sayin.....send more of your people to die in foreign lands for us.we are sending loads of ours.
and they seem shocked that other countries do not want to help.
a different planet.
i do not like my feet.
this only came to mind as a moment ago ,while fixing a sandwich,i shut the
kitchen door on my left foot.kinda skrunching my wee toe.
hurts ,but will go away.
reminded me of a few months back when i stubbed the big toe on my right foot,i like to vary.
it really hurt and swelled up and stuff.
i dont have much in the way of footwear,a coupla pairs of Doc Martins that i wear day about,better for the leather i read.so it was a bit of a pain getting my foot into the boot for the next wee while.
swelling did not seem to be reducing,even after 2 weeks.
then one day as i was leavin da office.i had a horrible kinda pop/crunch combo...a wee bit of swearing followed...but my foot could actually bend again, though still swollen.
upon finally seeking medical advice,turns out it was dislocated ...................works better again now.still has a kinda bump to it.
i still do not like my feet though.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Barney goes to visit the troops.

"As soon as he stepped off the plane, it was clear he was interested
in what was happening on the ground here," said Gen. George Casey,
commander of Multi-National Force-Iraq who met with the First Dog in
the courtyard outside his office at Camp Victory. "He generally seemed
extremely enthusiastic about the whole situation and he was even
visibly excited about some of the progress we're making."
But the visit's highlight was the First Dog's encounter with
soldiers, who were clearly taken with his presence. Sitting on cue with
his head cocked to one side, he listened intently to the soldiers'
concerns before receiving a treat and a pat on the head. Barney showed
further solidarity with the troops by accepting an impromptu invitation
to a belated Thanksgiving feast, during which he impressed servicemen
and women with his hearty, nondiscriminating appetite.
The First Dog also received a tummy rub courtesy of the 100th Infantry Battalion.
(from The Onion).
Sunday, November 26, 2006
very strange.
upside down behind a bookcase in their home. It is thought Mariesa
Weber fell when she tried to adjust a plug. The 38-year-old had not
been seen since she spoke with her mother in their Florida house late
last month.
Her family thought she had been kidnapped and contacted authorities.
Relatives scoured her room for clues but found nothing, except a strange smell.
The woman's sister then went into her bedroom late at night and looked behind a bookcase, where she saw the woman's foot.
Using a flashlight the family saw she was wedged upside-down behind the unit.
sleeping in the same house as her for 11 days, looking for her and
she's right in the bedroom," her mother, Connie Weber, said.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
HA !
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Snouts in troughs- Edinburgh-style............................should be surprised,but aint.

Scottish Parliament is planning to pay out more than £1 million to MSPs
who lose their seats or stand down after next year's Holyrood election.
Those Members who will not be returning will qualify for a
"resettlement grant" of £26,113, which is 50 per cent of their final
Former MSPs are also entitled to reclaim up to £19,500 for
settling with their staff and closing offices, though the money does
not go to them personally.
This latest move by the Scottish Executive comes
only a few days after McConnell and Jim Wallace, the Deputy First
Minister proposed peerages for former first ministers and their
deputies. The Labour MSP contingent are obviously worried about the
Scottish Parliamentary elections in May 2007. Tony Blair will, of
course, still be in office next May. Many Labour MSP’s will pay the
price. Incidentally, the European Parliament’s deal for MEP’s who are
not re-elected is even worse with politicians leaving with a £120K
handshake plus relocation etc. The thought of those poor politicians-
out of a job and down on their luck-my heart goes out to them all."
well it is a wee bit different,if you really think about it.
any of the other writers who
did books on
this case." - O J Simpson
Monday, November 20, 2006
Sex with dead deer not illegal, lawyer argues
there are many,many bands i wish i had seen live.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
a message for tony blair
Monday, November 13, 2006
UK spy chief fears nuclear attack(WOLF,WOLF)

i mean look at her.doubt she has ever had a "normal" job in her fuckin life.
her name, Eliza Manningham-Buller...............oh ,yes.one of the general public.
there is more.................
Manningham-Buller cited the results of opinion polls that have been
conducted since the suicide bombing attacks on London's transportation
system July 7, 2005, which killed 52 people and wounded more than 700.
The results showed more than 100,000 British citizens considered the
attacks justified.(population of UK = 60,441,457).
53 dead in terrorists attacks in the UK(i am counting that Brazilian guy that was shot dead by the police.)since 9/11.
As of early 2005, the number of deaths in the United Kingdom attributed to MRSA has been estimated by various sources to lie in the area of 3000 per year.
so round about 15,000.......against 53.
tony blair
legalise drugs?
junkie prisoners "assaulted"
Rock Star too wasted to perform.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
a diiferent background colo(u)r
this is a bit warmer.
like yer bed when you first wake up.
your nose is cold ,but you feel all toastie warm.
can i get away with lying here all day?.....................you think.
it is a work day.................i could fone in sick..................i aint been off fer ages.......................where did i leave my fone?.......fuck,i left it charging.................it is on the other side of the room........goddamn it..............if i can just kinda take the duvet with me..............
but you nearly always fuck it up.
the perfect moment is gone.
and you go to yer shitty job.......................which you know,is eating your hopes and dreams,a little each day.
you dare not think how little there be left,but at least you aint a brown-nosin ,backstabbin corporate whore just yet........................and that will do fer now.
England 18-25 Argentina
but basic errors let them down at crucial moments before the final
whistle was sounded to a chorus of boos.
to borrow a line from Karindira.................
HA !
Friday, November 10, 2006
The 'Mats - Bastards of Young(live on SNL)
Otter 'escorts' mate to hospital
The animals paused at the door and one appeared to look
up at an intercom, according to staff at Broadford Hospital on the Isle
of Skye.
The otters eventually ran away, leaving bloody footprints where they had been.
Charge nurse Chrisann O'Halloran said the night shift
could not believe what they were seeing on the hospital's CCTV cameras
on Thursday morning.
She said: "We have got CCTV inside the hospital and at the front door.
"Night staff continually monitor it and were looking at it when they saw two otters running up to the door.
"By the time the staff got to the door they had gone, but there were little bloody footprints where they had been."
The charge nurse added: "It's really funny to watch
because one looks up at the door and then turns to the other as if
talking to it.
"I thought the animals are very, very shy, but they
crossed a big open tarmac with staff cars parked in it to get to the
front door."
Thursday, November 09, 2006
has Bush Sr moved in ?
Replaced by an old CIA guy.
I hope they have told the Downing Street poodle whose ass he has to kiss now,to keep his Carlyle Group retirement job safe.
Apparantly all he cares about now is his legacy.he is fucked then.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Sky Maul catolog
a Llamacycle,an iPod shredder ,a Hitler-Turning -into Werewolf Nightlight.
all these items and MANY MANY MORE !
at LOW LOW prices
can be found at the Sky Maul catolog,take a moment to flick thru the pages and marvel
at the wondrous things.
Random Thought...(yup from Bartcop again)
OK, it's Election Day, it's too late for an October Surprise.
What does that mean?
Diebold pops up first. The Fascist bastards are going to lose
trillions of dollars
plus their freedom if we get subpoena power, you can bet the House
that it's
not going to happen - but what have we missed?
Since I have no brains, no staff and no time to research, I guess from
the gut.
My guess is with that last Tort-Leg they just passed, there is wording
in there that
Bush and his thugs can never be held liable for anything no matter
what, forever.
That gives them the legal freedom to retire to become The Boys
from Brazil
with the $300M they stole from under our noses every day for
over three years.
They have trillions in the Kuwait safety deposit bank - so they just
don't care.
They have more money than any crooks in Earth's history, so they can
retire to
their private country and let the world around them crumble - because
thay can afford it.
(me again)
i think he could well be correct.dubya and his cronies have asset stripped america.
pretty much bankrupted it.
sent the youth of the less well off to fight for their profits.
and changed all the laws so they are beyond prosecution.
you have to admire their gall in getting away with it.
leaving only an ex CIA employee (saddam) and a dumb ass poodle to carry the can.
sorry to be ranting so much.
i will now embrace futility and retire to watch watch my TV.
no nasty thots on my TV.
that nasty foreign man is going to be hanged.
hurrah for dubya,he is like a Power Texas Ranger.
he has saved the world
mission accomplished.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Bush, Blair and Saddam
There can be no doubt about the moral justice
of yesterday's Baghdad tribunal judgment on Saddam.
He was directly responsible for the deaths of
hundreds of thousands of innocent people, chiefly Kurds
and Shias, and arguably for many more killed
in the Iran-Iraq war. Yet it is quite another matter whether
it is right or politically prudent to execute
him, after the shambles of a trial that he has undergone.
Bush was always determined that Saddam should
die - but at the hands of his own people rather than
those of Americans. Bush's handling of this issue
restores one's respect for Pontius Pilate.
it seems to be lookin bleak for democracy.
"Imagine a world in which these extremists
and radicals got control of energy resources."
-- America's self-styled Fuhrer, Link
Yeah, George, that happened in 1974, remember?
And your family crawled into bed with those extremists.
Your dad is a registered lobbyist for
those extremists.
You are a lying son of a bitch, and I choose my
words carefully.
e-mail to Bart
(from bartcop.com)
can the last sensible person to leave amerikkka turn the light off and close the door.
the rest of the world thanks you.
Surveillance Societies(gets a wee bit ranty).
well done tony ,you 2 faced(at least)lyin sack of shit.
you want to know all about what the public,remember us,are doin.
yet your government goes out of its way to block any query to it on the Freedom Of Information act.
and yourself ,i cannot recall seeing you ever,answer a direct ,yes or no question,without another question.
nu labour = total fuckin bollocks.
they wanna string you and yer owner up beside saddam when he swings.you would not be missed..............cunt.
i am sure your job at the Carlyle Group awaits.
thin lizzy - boys are back in town
Gibsons and Marshalls in perfect harmony.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sylvain Sylvain from 1998
magazine | This “David Johansen” you keep referring to, most people today would know him under his new stage persona, “Buster Pointdexter.” According to legend, things have been pretty spotty between you two. | ||
Sylvain ![]() | Johansen was probably the most popular out of all of the NY Dolls. He's up there singing. He's the frontman. But him leading the band was self-appointed. He was not the leader, but he took it on like that, and his fame got bigger, and his ego matched it. He really believed everything that they said about him. We [the whole band] were staying at Jerry Nolan's mother's house, and Johansen was getting lushy drunk. He was sort of an abusive drunk. He would tell you that you didn't matter, and he was the singer, and he could go on his own, and he didn't need your hang-ups and your bullshit. Basically, he said that to us one day after dinner, and Johnny and Jerry, after they heard they could be replaced again and again, just walked out. And I drove them to the airport.
My Name Is pE(a)rl -Karmas Bitch.
"I had been promised that my remarks
would not be published before the election."
Richard Perle, on his anti-Bush remarks in Vanity Fair,
First, you trusted America's whore press?
Second, why did you want Bush to be free to bungle
and kill
another 2800 soldiers with no oversight
for the next two years?
(from bartcop.com)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
one tyrant down...........
"milestone" in the efforts of the Iraqi people "to replace the rule of
a tyrant with the rule of law".
a few more to go...............
"Yo,Blair..........where you at?"
sounds plausible.
of the 30m-strong National Association of Evangelicals, also admitted
that he bought methamphetamine but "never used it".
nobody likes a hypocrite.
even other hippoes.