Saturday, September 30, 2006
i am not a very good cook
somehow ended up with pasta,
not sure where i went wrong,but it was very tasty.
if not dente.
this seems apt for the next post
and nobody noticed...............yeah ,right.
not sure how he managed it,but torture is legal now.
it is different over here,we just let the police shoot folk,and then the person in charge of the operation/fiasco/shambles gets fuckin promotion,as she said"if i thought i had done anything wrong,i would not accept this promotion"
well that is okay then.
i really hope that when boosh andbliar leave office,they have to spend the rest of their lives in a paranoid sweat about getting killed.
new york dolls/new album.really fuckin good.
saw johansen and sylvain on a chat show last nite,then performin the new single.
thot,what the fuck,why not.
it is still more like a johansen solo project than the dolls,but very good anyway.
if i can figure out how to get a link to some of the songs,i will.
politics of fear - i agree with this.
Who is going to save us and keep us secure? No surprises there then -
the people who spread the fear, mmmm.
When you 'know' you're going to die anyway (sometime), there's no
longer any thing to fear. Simple. So don't worry. Let them say what
they want. In truth, they can't change a thing.
in other words,"what is for you,will not go by you".
as my wise old granma used to say.
waterboarding - torture lite?i don't thimk so.
Friday, September 29, 2006
finally,some sensible health info.
Q: I've heard that
cardiovascular exercise can prolong life; is this
A: Your heart
is only good for so many beats, and that's it... don't
waste them on
exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up
your heart will not
make you live longer; that's like saying you can
extend the life of your car
by driving it faster. Want to live longer?
Take a
Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
A: You must
grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and
corn. And what
are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an
efficient mechanism
of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain?
Eat chicken. Beef is
also a good source of field grass (green leafy
vegetable). And a pork chop
can give you 100% of your recommended daily
allowance of vegetable
Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A: No, not at all. Wine is made from
fruit. Brandy is distilled wine,
that means they take the water out of the
fruity bit so you get even
more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made
out of grain.
How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
A: Well, if you have a body and you
have fat, your ratio is one to one.
If you have two bodies, your ratio is two
to one,
What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular
A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No
Aren't fried foods bad for you?
A: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!!. Foods are fried
these days in vegetable oil.
In fact, they're permeated in it. How could
getting more vegetables be
bad for
Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around
A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets
bigger. You
should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger
Is chocolate bad for me?
A: Are you crazy? HELLO ...... Cocoa beans! Another
vegetable!!! It's
the best feel-good food
Is swimming good for your figure?
A: If swimming is good for your figure,
explain whales to
Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?
A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!
I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had
about food and
And remember: "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with
intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved
but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate
the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and
"WOO HOO, What a Ride!"
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Poles on a bus.
got the DVD i was after My Nane Is Earl.
booked an appontment for a tattoo.
saw some of the freakiest folk ,i had ever seen.
the theatre production of Todd Brownings Freaks must be in town again.
pleased to meet of us.
and then it all went horribly wrong.
a bunch of Polish folk got on the bus(maybe not Polish,but deffo eastern european)they sprawled themselves all around the bus,feet on seats,sitting sideways with their arms hangin over the back of the seat(which annoyed one guy,ME,as the fukker kept hitting the paper i was trying to read).then to make matters worse they all STARTED SHOUTING AND TALKING REALLY FAST OVER EACH OTHER FOR THE NEXT 30 MINUTES.why do all tourists do this?we have enuff of our own noisy fucks for the busses ,we do not need anymore.
i got off the bus with a headache and my ears whistling like i had been at a gig.
then i went to the shops.....andthere was my saviour........Becks Beer.......4 bottles for the price of 3........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
and as i type,i pop open number 4.
beer,the cause and the soloution to all yer problems- borrowed from Homer J hisself.
a President who can argue his case.(Clinton)
i had not seen this before.
he still thinks blair is doing/done a good job.
so he aint perfect.but he is a fuk of a lot better than the Christian Neo Nazis we have runnin US/UK at de moment.
and he did not spend more american tax payers money than all the rest of the previous presidents put together.
btw the number of American troops killed under Dubyas war on terror now exceeds the number of people who died on 9/11.
i heard a thing that sickened me even more about Blair(commited christian ,and family values man.honest tony.etc)
somebody asked him......"how do you feel about havin the blood of 100,000 dead Iraqis on your hands?"
his reply..........................
"i think you will find it is actually nearer 50,000."
what a complete and utter bastard.
and there they are
on da bus
watching da brekfast news
my day off by SJK(aged 41 11/12)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
holy shit ! it's Poison.
UF,pick up that guitar and talk to me.
Monday, September 25, 2006
good news/bad news
i do not understand
That is allowable.apparantly.
But substitute the word “scottish” with “muslim” and all hell breaks loose.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
the ramones - california sun(from you tube)
i saw a bootleg video of the replacements
the camera guy was as wasted as the band.
he was kinda drunkenly swaying around ,trying to focus his camera,and himself
on what was goin on,while the band had a crack at california sun.
i think with all the protests that you cannot buy drugs here
i blame all the inbreeding
all from the same family,hell cousins.
millions of us lowly folk died over what was essentially a family tiff.kuntz.
Prince's egg regime rumour denied
![]() Paxman said the story came from one of Prince Charles' friends |
Claims that the Prince of Wales is so fussy about his soft boiled
eggs that his staff cook several for him, have been denied by Clarence
In a new book, Jeremy Paxman claims the prince's staff serve a number of eggs to ensure one is cooked to perfection.
"If the Prince felt that number five was too runny, he
could knock the top off number six or seven," Paxman writes in On
Royalty, quoted in the Guardian.
A spokeswoman for Clarence House said the claim was "totally untrue".
Journalist Paxman claims his source for the "extraordinary" story is "one of the prince's friends".
Paxman himself says in the book - which he partly
researched by staying at royal residence Sandringham - that there would
inevitably be doubts over the egg claims.
"Although it came from one of the prince's friends, it seems so preposterously extravagant as to be unbelievable.
"And yet so many jaw-dropping stories have emerged of
the way in which his household is run that it can sound credible," he
Janice Dickenson(super model).
"i am not an axe murderer,but dont you feel like just murdering people some days?"
i have to say yes,most days actually.
Friday, September 22, 2006
those russian miners(the link)
still having problems posting,sadly i think it is just me.
or maybeez that is good.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
middle east peace plan(from Dilbert blog)
On paper, Israel deeds all of its lands to Jordan – a relatively
friendly Muslim country – and leases the land back for eternity. That
way, Muslims satisfy their religious requirement that land once
belonging (in their opinion) to Muslims, always belongs to Muslims.
In this plan, Israel would pay some manageable “rent” for all of the
land it occupies, including the settlements. Think of it like a shop
owner paying protection money to the local Mafia. It’s repugnant, but
it works. And it’s cheaper than permanent war.
The rent money would go into a Muslim-managed fund that benefits
health and welfare for the local Muslim population, or perhaps
reparations for the Muslim families displaced when Israel was formed.
The annual rent would never increase, so over time it would approach
zero in real value because of inflation. 200 years from now, the rent
would be almost entirely symbolic.
In return for this psychological concession by Israel, Iran would
allow nuclear inspections, and all the major Muslim factions (Syria,
Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.) would recognize Israel’s right to exist –
The armed groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas would have to renounce
violence and get rid of their larger weapons. But that’s okay, because
technically they already won the war and “wiped Israel off the map.”
All that would be left of Israel would be 7 million renters that looked
and acted exactly like the old Israel.
And of course Jerusalem would have to be shared in some friendly fashion.
In the Dilbert Peace Plan, Israel would become more secure than
ever, and might even save money when comparing the country’s rent to
the cost of ongoing war.
Yes, this plan is absurd, but view it in context. Muslims aren’t
allowed to have mortgages because of an Islamic rule against paying
interest. So Muslims employ financial workarounds that accomplish the
same thing as a mortgage without technically paying interest. In other
words, there is a strong precedent for accepting financial workarounds
to preserve Muslim values. Renting Israel to the Jews isn’t that
Your first reaction to this plan will be that the leaders in the
Middle East would never agree to it. And you’d be right, if it were up
to them today. But consider that even unelected leaders strive for
popularity in their policies. It’s a good way to avoid assassination.
The key is to find a plan that makes sense to the average Israeli and
average Iranian (for example). An idea with that much power would
spread on its own. The leaders would follow, eventually claiming the
idea as their own.
I’m an optimist, and I think that good ideas eventually eat bad
ones. It just takes time. The problem with the Middle East is that no
one has yet thought of a good idea. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that
the Dilbert Peace Plan is a good idea, but I think that figuring out
why it wouldn’t work is a step in the right direction.
Your question of the day: Why wouldn’t it work?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Peter Rabbit Tank Killer
site is a bit iffy(politics wise),and there is a painted jezebelle trying to get you to buy Pro - Republican t shirts.ignore that and enjoy the story.

pirate laws(not totally convinced,written by Blackbeard).
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar,words to live by shipmates.
Monday, September 18, 2006
The Sport - a downmarket tabloid
altough it is basically The Enquirer with a lot more smut .
the editor is actually a very sharp guy,he has been on shows
where they thought they could trash him.but he outwitted them.
so basically brainy guy,cruddy paper..
as it was there b'day.the other press was going thru the
highlights of there outrageous ,and totally fake headlines.
eg ......NASA finds a bus on the Moon.aliens turned my child
into a fish finger(fish stick)but the best was when they did
no agree with the Iraq beside a picture of the then
defence secretary,geoff hoon was the headline..................
as i say,more clever than given credit for.
lighten yp buddy.
FoTW There are times we at El Reg feel like laying down our quill pens, extinguishing the gas lamps and exiting the gloom of Vulture Central, never to return.
And here's why: try this response to Chris Williams' recent Steve Irwin obit...
Exactly what are you referring to when you say hacks? Your paper
states "Register readers and hacks were this morning digesting the
tragic news of the death of the colourful Aussie wildlife presenter
Steve irwin following a tragic stingray attack." So since i am not a
register reader (nor would i ever subscribe to a paper like that)
according to your paper i am a hack, since I too read the news. Is this
correct? I am offended and am contacting a lawyer. Chris Williams is
responsible for this pathetic article. Im sure he knows little and I
would assume you will punish him for his ignorance. He is obviously
retarded and needs help, but then again... all you UK fags are like
that. Im glad to be an American where a man runs the country instead of
being led by a woman... hahahhaa. How embarrassing to have a woman run
your country. They cant even drive properly let alone run a country.
Words fail us. In his defence, our correspondent "Al" (or isn't it actually "Cleetus"?) has quite likely been out with his mountain chums playing his banjo and raping city boys in the woods since Maggie T sank the Belgrano.
Now if you'll excuse us, we're off to punish Mr Williams in the traditional style. As they say where Al comes from: "Now let's you just drop them pants..."
Man rejects first penis transplant,,1874818,00.html
this could get confusing if it did work.would he,his partner or both of the
be being unfaithful if they had sex?
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Ten Commandments - Bush & Blair
they both claim to be good Christians.lets see how many of the Ten Commandments,i think they break.
on a daily basis................
Then God spoke all these
words, saying,
2 "I am the Lord
your God, who brought you out of the
land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
3"You shall have
no other gods besides Me.
4 "You shall not
make for yourself an idol, or any like-
ness of what is in heaven above or on earth beneath
5 "You shall not worship them or serve them;
for I, the
Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity
of the fathers on the children, on the third and
the four
fourth generations of those who hate Me,
6 but showing lovingkindness to thousands,
to those
who love Me and keep My commandments.
7 "You shall not
take the name of the Lord your God in
vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished
8 "Remember the sabbath
day, to keep it holy.
9 "Six days you shall labor and do all your
10 but the seventh day is a sabbath of the Lord your
in it you shall not do any work, you or your son
your daughter,
your male servant or your female
servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays
with you.
11 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens
and the
earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested
on the
seventh day; therefore the lord blessed the sabbath
12 "Honor your father
and your mother, that your days
may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your
14 "You shall not
commit adultery.
16 "You shall not
bear false witness against your
17 "You shall not
covet you neighbor's house; you
shall not
covet your neighbor's wife or his male
servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that
even being generous,i reckon they both break 6 on a pretty regular basis.
only one place(i cannot gt rid of this underline thing,dagnammit)........take it Eddie(singin)
I'd rather choose my soul to lose
Than leave around just one confused
And lose desire
Don't know if I'll ever learn
Can't wait 'til I get my turn
To burn in the infernal hell fire
I'm waiting for my last drive
While the bugle of my backside
Blows a losing beat
Hope I don't run out of gas
Bet my sacrelicious ass
Ain�t nothing down there that scares me
Oh yeah!
And you know!
I'm in league with Satan
And you know
There can't be no debatin�
My hell-bound trail
I was born with a tail!
I'm evil!
Yeah, and I run free
There's molten lead in me
So let's get the hell
Got the goods
Brother bring it on
My mother done brought me up wrong
And you can use my dick
As a walkin' stick as well
It's time to fly the finger
Yeah, that middle digit brings your point
And it drives it home
On my head there's no crown of thorns
This evil scalp has earned its horns
I'm on a highflying time with your mom before I go
so Tony will meet Beelzebub.
and Dubya,bein a hillbilly will meet Beelzebubba.
if i was a Catholic
just for quoting summat from 100s' of years ago.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
anutha Bono hater.
he makes inoffensive light entertainment shows
for da BBC.gets a shitload of money,for not doing very much.
you know the type.
but he had a wee go at Bono,so he cant be all bad.
Witchdoctor orders Serb to have sex with a hedgehog.
what a prick.
maybe this is why he fell off
Segway sounds sudden wheel reversal warning
By Tony Smith [More by this author] |
14th September 2006 12:58 GMT |
Segway has asked its customers around the globe to
return their "personal transporters" for a essential software update
intended to eliminate an unfortunate glitch which, in the words of the
manufacturer, "can unexpectedly reverse the direction of the wheels
which can cause a rider to fall".
The company said the bug affects all Segways sold to date. Segway's
latest model, the i2, is now shipping with the software update, as will
the x2, the company's 'off road' version, when it is released later
this month. If you already own an i2, you'll need the update, the
company said.
Segway didn't say whether any user had indeed fallen off their
motorised pogo stick, at least not because of the software bug, anyway.
To reverse the wheels as described, users need to tilt back the machine
to slow it down and stop, hop off the back, then get back on "within a
short period of time", as Segway puts it.
Anyone who tries this manoeuvre does so at their own risk. And we're
not taking any responsibility for any reader who soils themselves at
the thought of tearaway Segway owners trying to use the technique to do
noisy wheel spins to terrorise quiet suburban neighbourhoods. A game of
Segway Chicken, anyone? ®
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
i was just thinking,its gone.
woulda been the best post in the history of the world ,ever.
och,if it was summat important ,it will come back to me.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
spellin and punkshooation
i tend to think as i usually go for the phonetic spelling all the folks that read this(that is you mike,i dont read it myself.)will get the general idea of what i am goin on aboot.
i have decided to introduce is similar to spell check but basically checks if any swear word i.s totally fuckin neccessary.
if it aint it substitutes a more family friendly word phrase eg.melon farmer,know you know what i meant to say was melon farmer,oh for flips sake ,this is really beginnin to totally FU...upset me(nearly got one past there).okay that is it ,fuck this for a game of soldiers.
Swearcheck is off,i will take the "only 12x year old and above certificate",
Shamon mutha fukka,weee heeee.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
you can see the punchline from a mile away.
on being informed by the person at the box office that said show was actually sold out,but he could maybe get in tomorrow nite.he unleashed the following....................
"dont you know who i am?i am kirk douglas's son."
here it comes ,whole queue behind him.........
"No,i'm kirk douglas's son"."NO,i'm kirk douglas's son"
exit with tail between his legs one fuct off z-list non celeb.
Joyriders - The Farewell Show.
dropped picks and all.
fault,i am t auld to be down the front.
to the guy who was passed out on yer monitors.
not get a chance to see yerself.
last,but great to see you guyz live one last time. epiphone,almost a gibson(the best guitars,i think).
posted the lnk of you guyz on ma little aint exactly inandated with
traffic,just my how did you do it ?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Bono,for it was he,the pretentious one.the same guy who while
tellin us all to give more money to charity,has his accountant figuring
out ways for him to pay no taxes in Ireland,ya kno like the little ,i dont mean
leprakons(sp?)i mean most of us,joe public ,the working stiffs of the world.
i have gone of subject here.
apparantly during gigs ,at one point ,betwixt songs,Bonio would start to slowly clap his hands
.then after a minute or so would say.............."every time i clap my hands,an African child dies"
most of the crowd are stunned into silence,pondering the significance of this statement......................................all except for one guy,who shouts out.
"well ,stop clapping your fuckin hands then."
and he was not wrong.
but Geldof is still worse,and as for Midge Ure(ine).........dont even ask.
we are all fed up with em,this says it quite nicely.
It's amazing to think that New Labour looks to be
going out like a bunch of screeching playground chavs squabbling over the last
Marlboro Light. Shedding all claims to dignity and self-awareness, and
confirming the essentially hollow nature of New Labour, its 'ideology' (the term
is used loosely) and intellectual underpinnings (ditto), the main protagonists
are going at each other's throats, having nothing else to argue over other than
the grottier aspects of their respective personalities.
And it's ony to
be expected, all of them being complicit in the crimes of the New Labour era.
They can't criticise each other over Iraq or the fact they spent billions on
computer systems only to receive steaming turds in return (to read but two
charges from the epic rap sheet). It's like Reservoir Dogs
where the characters soon forget about why and how the heist went wrong and
instead focus on the personality M r Blonde. Blonde in this case, of course,
being Gordon Brown - he's mental say his detractors and a coward (more Mr Yellow
than Blonde, it has to be said).
Friday, September 08, 2006
From RE/search-Why Bush Can't Talk
spurs the question: what is his PROBLEM? People have remarked that he wasn't
that way when he was the Governor of Texas, and therefore theorize that he has
deteriorated due to premature senility or a lifetime of drug use. I think the
reason George Bush stumbles, ends sentences midway through to jump to another
thought, rattles off non-sequiturs, and makes up words, is that George Bush is
breaking under the strain of lying almost all the time about almost
everything...lying is hard work, and he's trying to hold several different false
scenarios in his head while not blurting out what he's really being told behind
closed doors.
he's not a person unable to relate simple facts. He's a person trying hard to
NOT relate simple facts. He's a person trying to avoid the pitfalls of saying
what's on his mind, and trying to keep his stories straight.
But you don't remember lies the way you remember truth. It's easier to remember,
e.g., how fast you were driving than it is to remember the exact lie you told
the police officer about how fast you were driving. People who lie have to put a
lot of energy into keeping their lies consistent with each other and, well,
consistent with undeniable facts.
his campaign until now, is based on his taking public stances that at least
obscures goals and positions shared secretly. He and his Roves have always
accepted that the majority of the country wouldn't want him if they knew the
promises he made to the right wing christians and the rich, if they knew the
actual effect of his tax cuts, if they knew the evidence behind environmental
damage, and on and on. Now, he's hiding the entire foreign policy fiasco(s), who
is being held by him incognito, who is being spied upon, what he knew before
9/11, and on and on and on.
carefully vetted by speechwriters who don't know the real story anyway, to keep
it all straight, and you would stumble and hem and haw in all other
brand of crony capitalism and piestic christianism went down well in Austin, at
least for a governor with no real constitutional authority: Bush only had to
repackage himself for the national race, essentially submerge his real persona
and his real ideas and his real goals and pretend to a compassionate,
not-asshole conservativism.
no, I don't want her to meet that guy just yet? Well, Bush and Rove have been
saying that for six years, and Bush has been schizo, trying to send signals and
winks and nods to his fundamentalist christians and send money to his corporate
sponsors while slinging a load of bull at the nation. Add to that all the bodies
he has to keep buried, and you've got a guy who is in a state of flop sweat
every time he has to open his mouth in public.
work. Only truly gifted and intelligent sociopaths like Rove and Cheney can
rattle it off. Bush can't. [end]
Thursday, September 07, 2006
the reward for selling out yer country
By Rupert Hamer
The Sunday Mirror UK
Sunday 21 August 2005
He's eyeing up £250K job with arms trade link firm.
Tony Blair is expected to join one of the most exclusive groups of businessmen in the world after he leaves Downing Street.
PM is being lined up for a highly lucrative position with the Carlyle
Group - an American-based investment giant with strong links to the
White House and the defense industry.
firm has been nicknamed "The Ex-Presidents Club" because it has had a
host of former world leaders on its books including George Bush Senior,
his former secretary of state James Baker and former British PM John
Major. There a also a large number of former US Army top brass.
Blair has been keeping quiet about his plans after his departure from
Number 10 - which could be as early as 2007 according to some Labour
sources in the City have revealed that he is "seriously considering" a
high-profile role with Carlyle - which manages $30billion (£20million)
of investments worldwide.
job could net Mr. Blair up to £500,000 a year for only a few days work
a month giving speeches and making "networking" trips on behalf of the
move comes after it emerged that the premier's financial affairs are in
an increasingly perilous state His dream home has crashed in value by
£700,000 in just seven months and he and Cherie have to find £13,000 a
month for the mortgage.
£3million loan the couple took out to buy the house in London's
Connaught Square is 17 times Mr. Blair's current salary.
night one leading City source said: "Private equity firms don't come
any more powerful than Carlyle. It would be a huge coup for them if
they could bring Tony Blair on board.
the job is likely to infuriate MPs and campaigners opposed to Britain's
role in the Iraq War because of Carlyle's strong links to the defense
senior Government source admitted: "We know that Tony is looking at a
number of options for life after Downing Street including writing his
taking certain jobs could present the Labour Party with a large
headache, particularly with firms investing in the US arms industry.
are trying to move links with the US and the Iraq War down the agenda -
and linking up with a firm like Carlyle could reopen all those wounds."
one time, Carlyle's multi-million pound investors included Saudi
members of the estranged family of al-Qaeda warlord Osama bin Laden,
who have disowned him. But the family have not been involved with the
group for several years.
has been criticized for using George Bush Senior to help land business
deals in the Middle East while advising the American President on
sensitive issues in the region at the same time.
experts believe Mr. Blair would be ideally suited to the investment
world because he has "the charm to schmooze almost anyone", according
to one financier in the Square Mile.
The PM would have the added advantage of having met many of the world leaders with whom Carlyle is keen to do business.
But friends of Mr Blair insist he is considering other money-making options after leaving frontline politics.
include a lecture tour in the United States which could net him more
than £1million and the possibility of a visiting professorship at an
American university.
Monday, September 04, 2006
note the rolled up sleeves,to show he is working hard

How would you like to run FEMA?"
(from j-walk blog)
he will be really popular
Very odd: Katrina rescuer is sued by boat owner.
A Broadmoor man who said he rescued more than 200 residents after
commandeering a boat during the flood after Hurricane Katrina is being
sued by the boat's owner for taking it "without receiving permission."Mark Morice, who by the Wednesday after the storm said he "couldn't
get more than a block or two without people screaming to me for help,"
took the boat "out of necessity. . . . I did it for my neighbors." ...The lawsuit contends that boat owner John M. Lyons Jr. suffered his
own distress, in the form of "grief, mental anguish, embarrassment and
suffering . . . due to the removal of the boat," as well as its
replacement costs.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
he sues folk who say he is,yet gives them the ammo.
Sick? Nope, just schtick. Robbie Williams shared some intimate medical details with the audience at Hampden Park:
woke up this morning in my bedroom alone and I got out of bed and into
the bathroom and thought, 'Fucking hell. I feel like shit'.
"I called the doctor, who took my temperature and said, 'Tonight, you won't be able to performon stage'.
"I asked if there might be some alternative and he told me to turn around.
"I took a needle in my arse this big," he said, and gestured about a foot long.
"I am proud to say I took it in the arse for Scotland."
Very droll.
But hang about a minute - didn't he do pretty much the same routine
at his Copenhagen show? Either Williams is awfully unwell, or else he's
setting up the whole routine so he can just joke about taking it in the
But it can't be the latter, because Williams is so
touchy about those matters he took papers to court for hinting he might
enjoy gay sex, didn't he?
this seems to be a kinda MySpace for Goths
yup,life just have to muddle thru as best you everybody else.
how to piss off the old folk
i expect to see a grovellin apology in the press early next week.
"it is not our usual policy to discriminate agin this age was just the mistake of an over zealous young member of staff.......etc"
Scotland-all you need to know in 4.28(best goal ever at the end)
rugby union meets Warner Bros cartoon(via YouTube)
Jonah Lomu stomps all over the English.
Warning--smug English bastard introduces may feel nauseous
but try to hang on,tis well worth it.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
from Dilbert guys blog(does that mean he cant sue me?)
The other day my brother asked why I was sending him an e-mail at 4am. This is not unusual for me because I often have trouble sleeping.
That night was typical. It went like this:first I was too hot to sleep. Then there was the nightmare of beingchased by armed gunmen. Then I got itchy. Then I woke myself up with my
own snoring (hate that). Then the cats tried to sleep on my feet. Then
it started to get too cold with the window open.It was one of those nights when my mouth kept falling open while I
slept, which dried out my throat, which made me keep reaching for my
bottled water on the nightstand, which made me get up and wiz three
I use my Blackberry as a flashlight when I take late night bathroom
runs, and sometimes I make the mistake of checking for messages on the
way back. There was one from my e-mail friend in Egypt. Now I’m laying
in bed formulating my response to his theories about the president of
By now the little pillow I keep between my knees has fallen on the
floor and I can’t decide if it’s worth picking it up. Has it become
mandatory or is it just nice? Can I sleep with my knees touching?
There’s no such thing as an easy question when you’re tired.
Suddenly I realize that the top of my pillow is slightly too warm
because my head has been on it, whereas the bottom is slightly too
cool. And the cats are on my feet again. I’m itchy, my throat is dry,
and I’m wondering if the President of Iran wants to incinerate me with
a nuclear weapon. If I fall asleep again, will I be back in the dream
where bad people are chasing me? Is my tossing and turning waking up my
new wife? Will she start to hate me for keeping her awake?
So I got up and started my day.
They say that you need less sleep as you get older. Eventually, when
you get so old that you don’t need any sleep at all, you die. I figure
I have another month or two.
i doubt he will sue me............................
i aint got fuck all if he does anyway..he aint gettin my Gibsons.
he may be funnni.but nobody touches or even points at my guitars.especially the 1960's one,aint never been played,still has the original price tag on it.i just open the case and look at it once a month. i do not want the sunlight to discolor the perfect guitar.although it has never actually been plugged in,or played you can still hear the sustain wait can go away for a bite,youll still be hearing that one......................................................perfick.
at the newsagent while i was paying for my papers,this dude walks in,sporting what can only be hailed as one HELL of a mullet.
reminded me of Ol Billy Ray and his mighty one hit........
But don't bust my balls, my achy breaky balls
I just don't think they'd understand
And if you tell my balls, my achy breaky balls
they might blow up and kill this man.
fair takes me back to my line dancing daze.
Foot kickin' - finger clickin', leather slapping - hand clappin' -
hip bumpin' - music thumpin' - knee hitchin' - heel and toe -
floor scuffin' - leg shufflin' - big grinnin' - body spinnin' -
rompin' stompin' - pumpin' jumpin' - slidin' glidin' - here we go
Tush pushin' - thunder footin' - cowgirl twistin' - no resistin' -
drums bangin' - steel twangin' - two steppin' - end to end
hardwood crawlin' - some four wallin' - rug cuttin' - cowboy struttin' -
burnin' yearnin' - windin' grindin' - lets begin the dance again
happy daze.
Hi Ho Silver Lining.Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !
Yaaaaaaaaaaar.this be a good un you scurvy swabs
music and fireworks on site,so be careful me buccos if you are a lootin and a plunderin or sitting at yer desk at work.
btw the actual event is grog/rum free.