Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Army Developing Paralysis Beam -i want one.
The U.S. Army is working on a modified 7.5-million-candlepower strobe light in hopes of creating a paralysis beam.
Although details are sketchy, it appears that U.S. government acquisition records call for contractor Peak Systems to ...
"...design and fabricate
a light-based immobilisation system/deterrent device and integrate it
with an unmanned aerial system. This will include any necessary medical
research on frequency and amplitude modulation of high-intensity light
that will cause immobilisation to all those within the beam."
The Peak Beam Systems device can apparently be pulsed with a strobe effect that has some effect on the human nervous system. The Maxa Beam shown above has quite a range, too. It can illuminate targets as far as 1.5 miles away.
The Maxa Beam is small
enough to be hand-held, which is a vital factor in the US Army's
selection of the device. The ultimate goal is to mount the device on a
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for crowd-control.
NHS - it is good,but gubberments always want to fuck it up.
grade As at A-level, Cambridge undergraduate degree and medical
training, raced through post-grad exams in minumum possible time,
universally esteemed by my consultants, a bit quiet and serious but
mostly get on with the nurses, research done, papers in, prizes won,
courses attended, PhD in Oxford. Currently being trained by the
country's (if not the world's) experts in the field I want to work. I
know my patients like me and I like them. Dr Crippen would be impressed
with my communication skills & empathy (I think, but very hard to
prove in 150 words).
Today I realised that this country doesn't want or need me anymore."
basically,we are training grade A doctors ,nurses and such.who because of the likes of phoney bliar and his bullshit "improvements" are havin to go abroad to find the work my/our taxes have paid for.
cheers tone,ya cunt.(only cares now about his "legacy",should just try to avoid the hangmans noose).
Monday, February 26, 2007
Britney should be writin songs.............
but if you think about how many great albums/songs have been written by
folks havin hellish times with drink,drugs,depression..breakdowns even,brian wilson springs to mind.
again i aint bein a sick fuk,i like everyone else have my own demons.
i say she should form a cathartic punk band...............
Joan Jett +Corey Parkes(ex Nashville Pussy)+a punk drummer,L7 drummer(sorry cannot think of another).
it would be theraputic....and it would almost certainly be a big hit.
if fake punk Courtney can do it.
good luck to her.................
Airline Loses Passenger's Two-Legged Dog

are there loads of 2 legged dawgs strollin aboot,i do not think so.
Extra guards for violent patient
do you a. behave yourself,like any normal member of the public.
or ...... b.threaten and verbally abuse the staff.
you guessed it.....................................
![]() Gibson receives kidney dialysis at ERI three times a week |
Hospital officials have spent £42,000 on security measures to cope with a single abusive patient.
Edinburgh Royal Infirmary (ERI) paid for extra security
guards and a special room to deal with convicted rapist and kidney
dialysis patient Donald Gibson.
i am gonna hazard a wild guess that he aint paid much in the way of tax over the years.ie jail or on benefits(welfare).
i am amazed there has not been a "terrible accident" yet.
fingers crossed.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
russian history,altered......
i doubt we have what

i think so(re last post)here is the next one..................
Linked To Child Of American Icon Anna Nicole Smith
In a World that continues to become more bizarre
by the day, today we have before us, occurring in the United States, a virtual
replay of the great European Royal bloodline battles of the late 19th
and early 20th Centuries, and complete with mysterious ritual deaths
and children holding the balance of power in a World gone mad.
This particular one involves an American Icon
known by many in the West from her ‘stage’
name Anna Nicole Smith, but whose real name is Vickie Lynn Marshall, the
surviving wife of the late Fascist oil baron, and Hitler devotee, J. Howard
Since the
mysterious death of Vickie Lynn Marshall, this past week, the United
States propaganda media organs have been in ‘overdrive’ pumping out for their masses of citizens almost complete
non-stop coverage of what on the surface appears to be a young troubled woman
of virtually no note, of no notable accomplishments, other than her fractured
fairy tale of a life that saw her soar to Icon status by virtue of her looks
and complicated public life.
to these masses of people, however, is that the importance being placed upon Vickie
Lynn Marshall lies not with this troubled young woman, but lies instead with
her infant daughter Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern, who was born on September
7, 2006, and who after being born suffered the death of her brother Daniel
Wayne Smith three days later on September 10, 2006.
(It is
important that we note these dates of September 7th and September 10th
due to their importance to the European Royal Houses, especially in light of
the birth of Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern coming the day after the
date in the proleptic Julian calendar the current era in the Maya
Long Count Calendar started in 3114 BC, and to which these
Royal Houses hold great significance in the ending date of December 20, 2012.
September 10th is an equally important
date for these Royal Houses as it was on this date, in 1898, that the ritual
murder of the Empress
Elisabeth of Bavaria occurred, and which began the ‘final countdown’ towards all out World War, beginning first with
the Russian-Japanese
War in 1904, and not ending (in its first phase) until 1923 when the final
armistices were signed ending World War I, and
which also began World War II.)
To the actual bloodline of the infant child of
Vickie Lynn Marshall, Prince Frederick von Anhal of
has now
claimed parentage, and as reported in the
Lynn Marshall has occurred in the same ‘cycle’
as that of Spain's
Princess Letizia, and who, likewise, ‘mysteriously’
died this past week at the age of 31.
The significance of this claim lies in who Prince
Frederick von Anhal of
really is, and his actual bloodline.
Russian historical archives confirm that Prince
Frederick von Anhal was born Robert Lichtenberg in 1943 in Berlin, but not to the German Royal House
of Anhal, but rather as a result of the experiments conducted by the Nazi
Scientist German Doctor Carl Clauberg, and whose work we had previously touched
upon in our January 7th report titled "Daughter Of Adolph Hitler
Vows To Complete European Union", and which puts Prince Frederick in
the direct bloodline of the Austrian Schicklgruber’s. (Note: Schicklgruber is
the actual name of Adolph Hitler)
(The animosity between the Hitler Regime of Nazi
Germany and the Family Lichtenberg arose over Prince Frederick’s uncle Bernhard
Lichtenberg who while Provost of Berlin for the Catholic Church stood fast
against the Nazi’s, even to his death in a cattle car in 1943 while being
transported to the Dachau death camp.)
As with all of Hitler’s ‘children’, Prince Frederick has been, likewise, protected
throughout his entire life by the European Royal Houses, including his adoption by Marie
Auguste Princess of Anhalt, and his current marriage to the former
Hungarian Hapsburg Princess Sari
(Zsa Zsa) Gabor.
Even more intriguing in these matters are the
paths that both Prince Frederick and Princess Gabor took in their journey to
battlefields of
directed by none other than the late husband of Vickie Lynn Marshall, J. Howard
Marshall, who in 1933 was the Assistant Solicitor at the US Department of
Interior under the direction of the American Secretary of the Interior for
President Roosevelt, Harold
L. Ickes, and who was best described by the famous US Congresswoman Clare
Boothe Luce as:
“A man who has “the mind of
a commissar and the soul of a meat axe.”
Unknown to the vast majority of Americans is that
the Nazification of their Nation began in 1933 with what their history calls
the ‘Business Plot’, and
which brought to power J. Howard Marshall, Harold L. Ickes, and the powerful
Bush Family, one of whose decedents is currently the American President, is
currently described in this strange fashion:
To the greater truth, however, of this coup is
not its apparent failure, but is instead its triumph, and as we can even read
as reported by the American Nazi Harold L. Ickes in his 1943 book titled “The Autobiography of
a Curmudgeon”, and reflecting upon the monster he himself helped unleash
upon the American people:
Today in the Western World their lies an infant
of Royal Blood whose mother and brother have been sacrificed, who is now
claimed by the European Royal Houses, whose lineage through her mothers late
husband traces the rise of Fascist America since 1933, and who, perhaps, most
importantly is the harbinger of that date feared throughout the World, December
20, 2012, and which more than anything else the birth of Dannielynn Hope
Marshall Stern seems to be the harbinger of.
This is a child, and indeed a saga, for us to pay
great attention too as more of the ancient myths become modern news stories.
tin foil hat time?US Military Attempt Arrest of Vice President Cheney, 3 Reported Dead
Russian FSB sources are reporting today that an
attempt by Special Forces Troops of the United States Military to arrest the
American Vice President Cheney shortly after boarding his official plane in
has resulted in at least 3 dead and an unknown number of wounded.
These reports state that the United States Air
Force, which is in control of the American Vice Presidents plane, sent an ‘urgent’ flash message shortly after
takeoff from Sydney, Australia alerting their US
Pacific Command Forces through the United States Worldwide Military Command
and Control System (WWMCCS) network,
and which is monitored by Russian Military Forces, of the deaths aboard the
plane and requesting ‘orders’.
At the sealed off
Military Forces to arrest the American Vice President occurred the Australian
media is reporting:
plane then proceeded to the runway and took off, en route to the United States."
US media reports are stating that there was a generator
problem on the Vice President’s plane and that it was making a planned
fueling stop in Singapore, but which the American White House is denying was
The concern of the American Military Generals
regarding their Vice President stems from his plans to attack
Iran, and which in an unprecedented move many of these Top United States
Generals have threatened a mass resignation, and as we can read as reported by Britain’s
Sunday Times News Service in their article titled "US
generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack", and which says:
in the Gulf region has raised fears that an attack on Iran is becoming
increasingly likely before President George Bush leaves office.
The Sunday Times has learnt that up to five generals and admirals are willing
to resign rather than approve what they consider would be a reckless attack.
generals’ revolt on such a scale would be unprecedented."
This revolt by the American Generals against
their War Leaders is eerily reminiscent of the General’s
Revolt against the German Nazi Leader Hitler in 1944, and which, likewise,
included an attempt by the German Generals to kill their War Leaders.
These disturbing reports coming from
the United States War Leaders to utilize Iraqi airspace for their planned Air
Force attack upon
nuclear facilities, but which the Israeli government is denying.
FSB reports further note the apparent complicity of
the American President in the attempt to have the US Military arrest his own
Vice President by citing American media reports detailing the official planes controlled
by the United States Military, and which say:
The American Military establishment has also threatened
their War Leaders by releasing to the
the most secret, and damning, evidences of past manipulation of their citizens
through terror and intimidation, to include previously unreleased CIA video of the assassination
of the American President John F. Kennedy showing the alleged assassin, Lee
Harvey Oswald, standing in a crowd of spectators seconds before he was supposed
to have fired at the American President. (Note: Lee Harvey Oswald,
the former Russian KGB and American CIA agent can be plainly seen wearing the
green sweater he was later wearing when arrested.)
Also released to the American propaganda media
organs, by the US Military, were the evidences
that the top levels of the FBI were involved in the 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal
Building, and which afterwards began the enactment of a series of brutal
laws that have resulted in the United States being turned into the Police State
we see evidenced today in 2007
To the final outcome of these events involving
the outbreak of hostilities between
Military establishment it is not in our knowing, other than whatever may be the
final outcome of this apparent showdown between these two powerful forces it
bodes ill for the unsuspecting American people themselves.
another time,a guy in a motorised wheelchair
if i clothesline the dude,knock him oot of his chair................
i get an easy sit down power assisted trip hame................
is that bad?
on the other hand,one time i was on a bus heading towards the stop.doors opened early,and the Van Halen song popped into my heid..........."JUMP..............................GO AHEAD AND JUMP."
i aint a bad man,i do not just hate others,i do not like maself mooch.
i have on a few occasions beaten my self up(up,not off).
hell. i was askin for it .
lookin at my self in a way that suggested i thought i was better than i am.
i just am lucky i could not get the chainsaw started,or i would have taught maself a lesson i would never forget.
could i be a wee bit misanthropic?.............
the queue was held up by this lass who when hearing
a certain song on the radio said,to the woman behind the counter,
"oh ,this one always gets me dancing.once i start
i cannae stop !"
you would if i broke yer legs ,i thought to myself................
Saturday, February 24, 2007
wise words from the Devils Kitchen...........
- Snap previews might well be the single most annoying web invention ever.
- Websites
that make sounds or play music whilst you browse are always a fucking
mistake: do this on your website and, no matter how desirable you
products, I will leave immediately, OK? It's just not acceptable. - Just because you can take up the whole of the tunnel, pavement or walkway does not mean that you should.
includes people who walk really slowly or pretty quickly: however fast
you move, I promise you that I walk more swiftly. And it definitely
includes you fuckers snogging as you walk along; I don't give two shits
about how in love you are, just get out of my fucking way. - You
don't have to stand in the middle of the aisle, thus effectively
blocking it, in order to look at what is on the bottom shelves. Unless
you are very long-sighted, in which case get some glasses and get out
of my cunting way. - When you go into the pub, take your fucking rucksack off, you cunt.
- I know this is tautological, but don't be a corrupt, venal, incompetant, shit-stain politician.
You see, easy rules for a cockroach-free living, the Devil way...
he is married and all now,but he was Top Gun.........
but to say gay............seems a bit much
i had not heard this before...........
says the Pope, "What can I do for you?" Dopey replies,"Excuse me, your
Excellency, but are there any dwarf nuns in Rome? The Pope wrinkles his
brow at the odd question, thinks for a moment and answers, "No, Dopey,
there are no dwarf nuns in Rome."
In the background, a few of the dwarfs start giggling. Dopey turns around and gives them a glare, silencing them.
Dopey turns back, "Your Worship, are there any dwarf nuns in all of Europe?"
The Pope, puzzled now, again thinks for a moment and then answers, "No Dopey, there are no dwarf nuns in Europe."
This time, all the other dwarfs burst into laughter. Once again, Dopey turns around and silences them with an angry glare.
Dopey turns back to the Pope and says, "Mr. Pope, are there ANY dwarf nuns anywhere in the world?"
"I'm sorry, my son, there are no dwarf nuns anywhere in the world."
other dwarfs collapse into a heap, rolling and laughing, pounding the
floor, tears rolling down their cheeks as they begin chanting "Dopey
fucked a penguin!...Dopey fucked a penguin!!"
Customers Shun KFC After Rat Infestation-finger lickin barf
of a local KFC/Taco Bell, and some are questioning if they will ever
eat out again.
"When I saw the news about the rats, I was like
freaking out," frequent customer Kim Pagnottan said. "I was like holy
(bleep). I was like oh my god. It's disgusting!
"Now, it's like I don't want to even go out, I want to eat at my own house. I want to cook every day."
wasn't the only person grossed out by the day's doings. Added Eddie
Rue, a now former customer: "I will never eat in there again.
Definitely lost me as a customer."
And countless more are sure
to bail now that the city's Health Department inspected the premises
and shut it down until its violations are corrected.
One man
in particular was doing his best at damage control. "Please, I hope
that the public that saw that won't be turned (off), tempted not to
patronize our restaurants because we have the finest and cleanest
restaurants in the world," said Chuck Hunt of the New York State
Restaurant Association.
CBS 2 cameras caught more than a dozen
rats scurrying across the KFC/Taco Bell tile floor early Friday
morning, leaping between chairs and onto the same tables customers eat
on. One was even perched on the ATM right by the front door.
"They are not afraid at all of people," Margo McGuire said. "They own this sidewalk, it would seem."
Friday night, people converged on the fast food restaurant at Sixth
Avenue and West 4th Street, hoping to catch a glimpse of the rats in
action. Earlier in the day, CBS 2 documented one shocked reaction after
"I've seen a lot of disgusting rats in the KFC. I love to eat at KFC, but this is disgusting," Tameeka St. Jean said.
freaked out. A place where people eat and there are rats running around
the floor. And they aren't little rats. They're huge rats!" Victor
Pecone said.
According to people at the scene, the popular
restaurant was open until 11 p.m. Thursday night. Others told CBS 2
that the problem has been going on for weeks.
"It's disgusting,
and I am so glad you all are here to do something about it," neighbor
Susan Quimbyn said. "Obviously things fall through the cracks. I'd like
to interview the employees to see if they are aware of the situation."
infestation is in the restaurant," Health Department inspector Carol
Feracho said. "However, based on the inspection, it is coming from the
building. There are a number of openings in the building that
constitute entry."
CBS 2's amazing video shows rats running,
playing and eating leftovers off the floor of the restaurant. However,
rat infestations are not a new problem for this KFC. Just last
December, the city's Health Department cited this KFC for evidence of
"live rats present in the facility's food and non food areas."
The franchise was also cited for rats on at least three previous occasions by the Department of Health since 2004.
according to the Health Dept. Web site, the rat problems had been
addressed. This was clearly not the case from what CBS 2 cameras caught
Friday morning.
Rick Maynard of KFC/Taco Bell issued a statement
Friday, saying: "This is completely unacceptable and is an absolute
violation of our high standards. This restaurant has been closed and we
are addressing the issue with the franchise owner. We will not allow
this store to re-open until it is completely re-sanitized and given a
clean bill of health. We want to reassure customers that this is an
isolated incident at the Greenwich TB/KFC at 331 6th Avenue."
Marcus Bonner said he used to work at this chain and would often see rodents coming inside.
where the rats come from, there's a hole in the back where the garbage
is," Bonner said. "There's a hole about three-to-four inches wide. So
easy they just walk through. They don't have to squeeze through.
quit because it was nasty. They don't use gloves to make the food. They
use the same grease day after day after day. At night, the manager told
me to put the chairs up. We don't sweep; we don't mop. So that's what
the rats are eating off, the stuff that's left on the floors."
McGuire lives next door and said the carelessly dumped garbage from the restaurant attracts rats onto the whole block.
chicken puts the weight on them," McGuire said. "The bags, the garbage
is always piled up there. And you can actually hear critters in there."
Friday, February 23, 2007
money well spent
In a trial, subjects were blindfolded and attempted to "see" the
contents of brown envelopes in an experiment to try and use something
the MoD described as "remote viewing".
The conclusion, essentially, was that it does not work, which
readers may feel they would have been happy to tell the MoD for a far
more competitive fee.

Thursday, February 22, 2007
'Kasper the Clown' faces prison for punching schoolboy

i rest my case.all clowns are an accident waiting to happen.
Lodging for breastmilk swap on Berkeley Craigslist
The ultimate Bay Area Craigslist post: free Berkeley room for nursing mom who'll share her breast-milk with seven people
who've read a paper about the nutritional benefits thereof. They are
all vegans. And they don't want to take breast milk away from an actual
leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Teacher faces 40 years for porn in classroom, blames adware
A 40-year-old substitute teacher faces up to 40 years in prison after
being convicted of exposing children to pornography on a computer at
the Connecticut middle school where she taught. http://www.boingboing.net/2007/01/13/teacher_faces_40_yea.html
the likes of Bush and Blair get away with massmurder,but a teacher faces 40 yrs for bein not a techie.
NMSU prof finds hottest chile pepper on record
The Guinness Book of
Records agreed, confirming recently that Bosland, a regents professor
at New Mexico State University, had discovered the world's hottest
chile pepper, Bhut Jolokia, a naturally occurring hybrid native to the
Assam region of northeastern India.
The name translates as ghost chile, Bosland said.
not sure why they call it that, but I think it's because the chile is
so hot, you give up the ghost when you eat it," he said.
Jolokia comes in at 1,001,304 Scoville heat units, a measure of hotness
for a chile. It's nearly twice as hot as Red Savina, the variety it
replaces as the hottest.
By comparison, a New Mexico green chile contains about 1,500 Scoville units; an average jalapeño measures about 10,000.
i dread to think aboot the morning after..............
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
britney lesbian orgy video
i thot the head shave thang was her maybeez comin out.
not yet.
Christian pediatrician denies child service because parents are tattooed
A family is turned away by a local pediatrician, they say because of the way they look.
The doctor said he is just following his beliefs, creating a Christian atmosphere for his patients.
Tasha Childress said it’s discrimination.
She said Dr. Gary Merrill wouldn’t treat her daughter for an ear infection because Tasha, the mother, has tattoos.
The writing is on the wall—literally: “This is a private office. Appearance and behavior standards apply.”
For Dr. Gary Merrill of Christian Medical Services, that means no
tattoos, body piercings, and a host of other requirements—all standards
Merrill has set based upon his Christian faith.
“She had to go that entire night with her ear infection with no medicine because he has his policy,” Tasha Childress said.
Monday, February 19, 2007
backing tracks,if you like to play geetar
anyone loan me $1,000,000.00 ?
nah wait a mo,i thought it was more of her pubic hair.
yeah ,i have some.................wadda ya mean ,sick?
it is a hobby,i had to give up my amateur bomb building.
"not the right time for that me laddo"......i was told after a 48 hour beating,in a cell................not in london.
Happy Presidents Day...........

The only reason this shot is noteworthy, other than it's President's
Day is that the window through which Lee Harvey Oswald did or didn't
shoot JFK was recently sold on eBay for 3 million dollars. BLDGBLG has a thoughtful essay on the morality and history of selling architectural elements of famous assassinations.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
How Bad is Britney Losing It?(MAYBE IT IS REAL?)
After shaving her head and getting several tattoos, Britney Spears apparently went to Cedards-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. according to ONTD.
She was seen going in and looked disturbed. She was wearing a dark wig
and only stayed for a while. She wasn’t admitted, she left and went
back home.
Earlier in the evening, Britney lost it at a beauty salon in
Tarzana. She asked the hairdresser to shave her head and when the woman
refused, she grabbed the razor and did it herself. How G.I. Jane of
her! She then went to a tattoo parlor in Sherman Oaks where she was
described as being crazy and losing it.
A source said, “She wasn’t making sense at all and you could tell she’s not in a good place at all, and that she is totally freaking out.”
Britney then got a black-white-and-pink cross tattooed on her lower hip and red-and-pink lips on her wrist. The price: $80.
“She was a nightmare to deal with. She was screaming and flipping out from the pain and wiggling her body all around.”
She apparently had NyQuil stains all over her. After she left, she
apparently visited the hospital and then went home. Jesus. Somebody
needs some straight-up, hardcore therapy! Get her on Dr. Phil!
Britney’s been to Hyde, She’s been to Area, She’s been to Teddy’s, but
she’s never been to me.
Man Grabs Shark With Hands; Blames Vodka
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- A man who caught a
4-foot shark with his bare hands off an Australian beach said on Friday
he only tried the feat because he was drunk on vodka.
Kerkhof was fishing off a jetty at Louth Bay, a town on South Australia
state's Eyre Peninsula 870 miles west of Sydney, when he spotted the
bronze whaler shark swimming in the shallows, the Australian
Broadcasting Corp. reported.
"I just snuck up behind him, and eventually I went for the big grab and I fluked it and got him," Kerkhof said.
was just thrashing around in the water ... starting to turn around and
try to bite me and I thought 'well, it's amazing what vodka does',"
Kerkhof said.
The shark bit a hole in Kerkhof's jeans, but he was uninjured.
not something I'd recommend to do. When I sobered up I thought about it
and I said, 'I'm a bit of an idiot for doing it'," Kerkhof said.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Report: woman ties up her Valentine, then drinks his blood
resident Tiffany Sutton "tricked" a 43-year-old man "with an offer of
kinky sex," but things quickly turned nonconsensual:

tying him up, police said, she pulled out a knife and cut the man on
the leg. She then told him she likes to drink blood and proceeded to
drink from his leg, officials
she did say kinky...........
Thursday, February 15, 2007
the clock is ticking Indiana.....
soon learn that a bill circulating in the state legislature will become
law and will then render illegal any family traditions of fucking their
Under the proposed bill, sleeping with your family dog, however
consensual, will become a misdemeanor, perhaps a risk worth taking. But
anything approaching S&M will result in a felony and possible
incarceration; an attachment to the proposal states that the
penalization is extended to felony status if the sex turns violent or
results in death of the beast.
There is no mention of the penalty for crossing state lines into
Kentucky with your animal, where the law is surely more lenient.
turn the sound up-roll yer moose over all the thangs
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
uk telly

The three cheeky monkeys each have been given $1000 to buy used cars
and they best the can come up with are a camaro, a white Dodge Ram and
a Cadillac. Ever mindful that "Americans have begun mating with
vegetables" they elect to keep a low profile by spray painting "NASCAR
sucks" and "Hillary for President" across their boots. Um, by boots we
mean trunk though this is just the beginning of an onslaught of
cultural missed connections that at once makes one despise and pity
ones fellow Americans, an appropriate feeling for Valentine's Day. The
trio get in a confrontation with locals at an Alabaman petrol station
[around 4:13 in the video] at which they feign surprise. On the blogs
of one of the hosts, James May writes, "We'd been warned by some
American modernists - i.e. Californians - that the southerners wouldn't
take kindly to any of our light mockery of the things they hold dear -
Bush, heterosexuality, NASCAR, Country and Western, short hair...But I
never really believed they would take it quite that badly." Strange
because earlier in the program, May explains to the audience, "Saying
Nascar sucks is like punching someone in the face." Yeah, the hicks are
homophobic rednecks but these guys are fucking twats.
Lee Harvey Oswald's "window" up for auction
up for auction on eBay. Current bid is a little over $3 million -- and
the winner has to arrange item pick-up." From the auction listing:
for auction for the first time, the actual window and frame from the
shooter’s nest on the 6th floor of the Dallas Texas School Book
Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald fired off those fatal shots that
took the life of our 35th President of the United States - John F.
Kennedy. Here is your opportunity to own a piece of history. This
window and frame was on display for over ten years at the Sixth Floor
Museum in Dallas, Texas. The window and frame has been picked up by
it's owner Caruth Byrd and is now in his possession. This valuable
historical artifact is now being offered for sale to an avid JFK
collector by Caruth Byrd, whose family owned the Texas School Book
Depository at the time of the assassination, Nov. 22, 1963. Also
included in this auction is a leather booklet with all the official
documentation and contracts related to the window and frame's
Lee Harvey Oswald's "window" up for auction
up for auction on eBay. Current bid is a little over $3 million -- and
the winner has to arrange item pick-up." From the auction listing:
for auction for the first time, the actual window and frame from the
shooter’s nest on the 6th floor of the Dallas Texas School Book
Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald fired off those fatal shots that
took the life of our 35th President of the United States - John F.
Kennedy. Here is your opportunity to own a piece of history. This
window and frame was on display for over ten years at the Sixth Floor
Museum in Dallas, Texas. The window and frame has been picked up by
it's owner Caruth Byrd and is now in his possession. This valuable
historical artifact is now being offered for sale to an avid JFK
collector by Caruth Byrd, whose family owned the Texas School Book
Depository at the time of the assassination, Nov. 22, 1963. Also
included in this auction is a leather booklet with all the official
documentation and contracts related to the window and frame's
could it be?.......................naaah,not again.
Iran ahead of a security crackdown in Baghdad and the arrival of 21,500
U.S. troops sent by President Bush to quell sectarian violence, a senior U.S. official said Tuesday.
Al-Sadr left his Baghdad stronghold some weeks ago, the official said,
and is believed to be in Tehran, where he has family. The official,
speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss U.S. monitoring
activities, said fractures in al-Sadr's political and militia
operations may be part of the reason for his departure. The move is not
believed to be permanent, the official said.
Word of al-Sadr's departure coincides with an announcement that Iraq
will close its borders with Iran and Syria for 72 hours as part of the
drive to end the violence that has threatened to divide the capital
along sectarian lines.
The U.S. official said it is not clear how firmly the radical Shiite
cleric is controlling his organization and the associated Mahdi Army
militia from exile.
Interesting timing for a leak...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Police officer who ejaculated on motorist found not guilty
David Alex Park not guilty of three felony charges after he pulled over
a female motorist (a dancer from Captain Cream Cabaret, identified as
"Lucy" in court) and ejaculated on her sweater.

Four months earlier, Park had stopped Lucy under similar circumstances.
That time, he’d ignored a plastic drug baggie he’d found in her car and
her suspended license. But the stop wasn’t a waste of time. After
friendly chit-chat, the officer had scored Lucy’s phone number.
Telephone records show that Park called the stripper the next morning.
She told him she was too busy to meet.
On the witness stand, Park explained that he’d called Lucy out of
concern for a citizen’s safety. He also shrugged his shoulders when
[sex crimes prosecutor Shaddi] Kamiabipour slowly listed the first
names of nine Captain Cream female employees—Annette, Denise, Rashele,
Marlia, Brandi, Andrea, Deborah, Laura and Shannon—whose license plates
he’d run through the DMV computer in the weeks prior to his sexual
encounter with Lucy. (Another coincidence, according to [defense
attorney Al ] Stokke.) Jurors also learned that Irvine Police Sgt.
Michael Hallinan had previously warned Park as they left work to stay
away from the strippers.
been given the warning but claimed that he had no clue it was Lucy in
the vehicle or that she had an invalid driver’s license, even as he
approached her car window.
as the invasion/bombing of Iran looms ever nearer....
wise words................
Wee Bonny Lassies' Fannies: Developing!(from a US site.)
So. I'll admit that 70% of the reason for this post is just to tell you
that the Scotsman thinks that "Auld Nookie" is a good title for its
round-up of articles about Edinburgh's sex industry. The section lives
up to expectations, alerting readers that Edinburgh's council just
passed a law forbidding lapdancers from taking off anything beyond
their tops. And the laws also seem to have rendered the term "lapdance"
meaningless, since they also prevent one-on-one dances. Adjust your
plans accordingly -- perhaps you'll want to forgo a trip to the Western
Bar or the Fantasy Palace
after all. Although, there's nothing against 2-on-1 dances, or 3-on-1,
or the whole Rockettes topless, kicking, singing and dancing just for
Ted Haggard's "cure"
I heard that the first thing Ted did when he returned
from being "cured" was to have sex with his wife...
Of course, it was anal sex but it was a start!
Grady Stiles - Lobster Boy.
Grady Stiles Jr. (June 26, 1937-May 29, 1992) was a freak show performer. His deformity was ectrodactyly, where the fingers and toes are fused together to form claw-like extremities. Stiles' stage name was the Lobster Boy.
In 1992, Stiles was murdered in his trailer in Gibsonton, Florida by a hit man hired by family members because of his alcoholism and abuse.
Stiles had previously been convicted of murdering his daughter's fiance, although he was sentenced to probation due to a combination of no suitable place to hold someone with his condition and testimony from co-workers including a bearded lady and a fat man that he was no longer a danger to others.
Fred Rosen wrote a book on the case called Lobster Boy: The Bizarre Life And Death Of Grady Stiles Jr., and E! made a True Hollywood Stories episode based on the case titled The Murder Of Lobster Boy. A&E Network also made a City Confidential episode based on the case called Gibsonton: The Last Side Show.
Euro MPs get paid.............
expenses; £180 a day subsistence; £18,000 per year pension contribution.
all aboard the fuckin gravy train.
Euro MPs get paid.............
expenses; £180 a day subsistence; £18,000 per year pension contribution.
all aboard the fuckin gravy train.
No Shit
Tuesday February 13, 2007 3:16 AM
Ark. (AP) - A woman eating from a bowl and talking on a cell phone
walked past a railroad crossing gate and into the path of a freight
train, police said Monday. She later died.
suspect the incident Sunday was an accident but have subpoenaed the
26-year-old woman's cell phone records to find out whom she was talking
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Testicular Implantation For Pets.......................who knew?
NeuticlesUltraPlus® with ScarRetard®![]() | FDA |
why would a pet owner want to feel it?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
New Study Finds College Binge Drinking To Be A Blast
AMHERST, MA—Researchers at the University of Massachusetts released
a surprising new study Monday indicating that, contrary to long-held
beliefs about its destructive effects, collegiate binge drinking is a
fucking blast.

Campus Watch
collected at bars and fraternity parties on the UMass campus has
yielded unexpected conclusions with regard to the practice of binge
drinking," study head Dr. Albert Greaves said. "Over the course of our
research, a consistent pattern emerged demonstrating that binge
drinking seriously kicks ass."
Staircase blocked by giant column

and that was my last day as an architect....i dunno,you make one mistake...