Saturday, February 24, 2007

wise words from the Devils Kitchen...........

Here are a few tips for people to obey in order to avoid getting cockroaches rammed up their every orifice.
  1. Snap previews might well be the single most annoying web invention ever.

  2. Websites
    that make sounds or play music whilst you browse are always a fucking
    mistake: do this on your website and, no matter how desirable you
    products, I will leave immediately, OK? It's just not acceptable.

  3. Just because you can take up the whole of the tunnel, pavement or walkway does not mean that you should.

    includes people who walk really slowly or pretty quickly: however fast
    you move, I promise you that I walk more swiftly. And it definitely
    includes you fuckers snogging as you walk along; I don't give two shits
    about how in love you are, just get out of my fucking way.

  4. You
    don't have to stand in the middle of the aisle, thus effectively
    blocking it, in order to look at what is on the bottom shelves. Unless
    you are very long-sighted, in which case get some glasses and get out
    of my cunting way.

  5. When you go into the pub, take your fucking rucksack off, you cunt.

  6. I know this is tautological, but don't be a corrupt, venal, incompetant, shit-stain politician.

You see, easy rules for a cockroach-free living, the Devil way...

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