The three cheeky monkeys each have been given $1000 to buy used cars
and they best the can come up with are a camaro, a white Dodge Ram and
a Cadillac. Ever mindful that "Americans have begun mating with
vegetables" they elect to keep a low profile by spray painting "NASCAR
sucks" and "Hillary for President" across their boots. Um, by boots we
mean trunk though this is just the beginning of an onslaught of
cultural missed connections that at once makes one despise and pity
ones fellow Americans, an appropriate feeling for Valentine's Day. The
trio get in a confrontation with locals at an Alabaman petrol station
[around 4:13 in the video] at which they feign surprise. On the blogs
of one of the hosts, James May writes, "We'd been warned by some
American modernists - i.e. Californians - that the southerners wouldn't
take kindly to any of our light mockery of the things they hold dear -
Bush, heterosexuality, NASCAR, Country and Western, short hair...But I
never really believed they would take it quite that badly." Strange
because earlier in the program, May explains to the audience, "Saying
Nascar sucks is like punching someone in the face." Yeah, the hicks are
homophobic rednecks but these guys are fucking twats.
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