Sunday, August 27, 2006

is it just me

or does anyone else get totally pissed off with the folk that make goin aboot our daily business worse.
you know them the folk that thru bein loud,ignorant and obnoxious,can fuk up an otherwise good day.
sometimes i feel like,if i could just kick the livingcrap out of you dude,the world would be a better place.
but of course i dont,and that is why these fucks keep on ruining our days.


Anonymous said...

"kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out" comes to mind. Starting with the politicos (God won't have to do much sorting) and moving upwards from there into that atrocious species known as homo sapiens.

Anonymous said...

"kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out".
aint heard that before,i must say i like it.