Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The UF Blog

i am basically a creature of habit.i get into work in the morn,fire up thePC.
first,check my emails..........only work related,they can wait.
log into Unremitting Failure to check out the posts and the comments.
with Mike on his hols,i think,i now have spare time on my hands.
that is where this here blog comes in.dunno how long it will go for. or what
the content will be.a blatant rip-off of other sites and links pinched there from.
i care not for spelling or punctuation.
that'll do for noo.


Ben said...

Ah a cozy Caribbean-themed place with hooks marks above the urinals. Very nice.

Ben said...

Yaarr. First post. First typo! I meant hook not hooks.

sodajerk said...

thankee Ben.yer typo means a lot.tis the spirit of this here blog.

Anonymous said...

Yaar doing great.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Annie.

with this praise ,you are spoiling me.