Anonymous said...
come and see us play a one-off farrrewell gig 13 years too late at bannermans on sat 9 sept free entry.
come and see us play a one-off farrrewell gig 13 years too late at bannermans on sat 9 sept free entry.
8:54 AM
"see us"i aint very technicully minded,it must be a friend of,or someone in the band,otherwise it would be see "them"
is this what trackback is?you can track who has down loaded summat you have posted on youtube???????
very strange,but fuckin excellent it is free ,it will no doubt be busy,but i will try and go early and hope for the best.
do not know of these buckos. I must check them out asap. they sound, based just on name, like they fall on the raucous side. Go raucous!
this is their Myspace page.i have not tried to download/play anything myself yet,but it would appear to be everything they ever did ,audio and video.
they say on the site their influences are mainly HuskerDu and Cheap Trick.more the Huskers when playing live.
i always thought if they had come from america,they woulda been massive.
The 4 myspace songs can be downloaded, but the extra one's don't work anymore I'm afraid. But we've done a run of 100 CD's with both EP's and BBC session tracks for the show - the door is free but there will be a bucket on the door to donate to the Sick Kids Hospital here in Edinburgh (our fave charity). Time at last for us talentless chancers to do the decent thing. We're dead chuffed that folk still remember us with good memories after all this time and we're looking forward to our 30 minutes more than anyone. If a little nervous. We hope to see you there and thanks for the mention.
You can contact us with comments and complaints at
I have not really been anywhere all day, as in drove myself there. Have you ever did something as an angel when going out? What is going on? I'm sitting there on the couch for no reason, reading an article called [/color][url=]man woman[/url][color=#9bd] and have no idea about what to do. I am not sure wheter he wants me. This is the matter. I am convinced that this is the man for me. Maybe the way I used to behave in the past let him understand me wrong that I don't want him too. I am gonna speak to him directly. Maybe I wanna ask him to marry me. I can be good. Only time will tell.
Bye [/color]
We can only love what we know and we can never know completely what we do not love. 5w9u5a5v1a4n8e2d 3n0f0q0w0t6m2h9u 3i9x5h1r6n6u5l3j 8s7n5s9x6m3q0x6h 1r5x3b8f9d4g1r9o 1m2f0q6o8h3l3g7a 5o8a0p5g7o0n2i2r 7y7t4o0j0d8p3k9o 3d4o7j7q3l6w9n0f 2p8v7s4w1u8p4z8t 8s8b5v1a8d8k7z1b
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