Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Tips on how to survive and have fun at the Edinburgh Festival.(wadda ya mean you aint heard of it?heathens).


Ben said...

I'll trade you a trip around the Littlestown Volunteer Fireman's Carnival for a peek at the Festival.

sodajerk said...

are you a volunteer fireman Ben?

Ben said...

No. Too squeamish for that. A good structure fire might be okay to watch, but the thought of a mangled motorist--no thanks. But I did attend portable fire extinguisher training yesterday morning with the cubicle mates.

We've got the carnival in town this week. Small town spectacle and such. It's held on a playground on the other side of my neighbor's yard, but I don't go--although maybe tonight's the night?

Anonymous said...

if you made sure there were no mangled would get some pretty good photo-ops for your site.
although ,having said that,the Fire Chief may get a bit pissed.