Tuesday, October 31, 2006
quote of the day.
die" - Mel Brooks.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Rainbow-when kids TV presenters make anXmas tape.
Rainbow-when kids TV presenters make anXmas tape.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
it works..........what is the problem?

i still go to some.
many is the time we will be at work and the subject of what everyone is doing comes up.
i used to say ,"i am going to a gig on saturday"
"who is it?"
"i do not think you will have heard of them."
"tell me anyway,you never know*
"it is XYZ(where XYZ = any band)"
"no,i have not heard of them.who do they sound like?"
and so it would go on.
the other question is ,
"what kind of music do you like?"
"all different kinds"
"yeah ,but what is your favourite?"
"depends on what mood i am in,it can vary"
"i like Pop music."
me.."what,all pop music?"
it seems to me there are really only 2 types of music.
music you like,and music you don't.
if it gives me a chill/shivers down my spine......then it is type 1.
if i want to switch it off,or turn it down..a lot,type 2.
dunno why i like some music and not others.
it is not about technical ability,or production quality on whatever format ,or saying something meaningful with the lyrics(although,sometimes it is).or chord structure.
it is just about that shiver down the spine.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
George W. Bush - Drunk and speaking his mind
keepin it in the family.Bush family that is.
the Kennedys??????????????????????????
Officer struck by federal judge dies
A popular city police officer died Saturday, four days after being
struck by a sport utility vehicle driven by a federal judge who is a
cousin of former President Bush, New Haven's mayor said.Officer Dan Picagli, a 17-year veteran of the force, was hit while
working an extra-duty job directing traffic in the rain Tuesday night
in a dimly lit section of Chapel Street.The
driver of the SUV that hit Picagli is John M. Walker Jr., a senior
judge on the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York, who lives
in Connecticut and maintains court chambers in New Haven. He was
leaving work when the accident happened, police said.Walker, a
1962 Yale graduate, was appointed to the federal bench by President
Reagan in 1985. He was appointed to the 2nd Circuit in 1989 by his
cousin, former President George H.W. Bush.No charges have been filed.
kate moss - mother of the year.
At a party while on holiday, Kate Moss was
feeling somewhat tired and emotional. A small
child is running around, screaming for her mum.
"Won't someone shut that kid up?" says Kate.
"But Kate," comes the reply. "She's yours."
the blog,of the wife ,of the guitarist in Marah.
does not matter if you have never heard of the band.
if you like mike and annies stuff,this is a bit like what
i think you might get if you put there blogs together
in a blender.
that is meant as a compliment.
who killed bambi?
of a much younger woman.a mono-ped yes,but still younger.
i think they deserve each other.
as usual the only winners will be the lawyers,and the worst losers will be the children.
todays news.............
Kate Moss is the latest bitch to accuse Heather Mills of being a one-legged liar. Heather is suing two tabloids for publishing stories she calls false and damaging.
Heather reportedly claimed that Paul McCartney refused to let her have a bedpan near their bed, so she had to crawl to the toiler in the middle of the night. Kate Moss calls this bullshit.
A source close to Kate said, “Kate
reassured Stella (McCartney) that she knew Heather was a liar because
she had seen her hopping around. She said she was ‘jumping around like
a fucking gazelle’ and is prepared to swear to it, in court if
Like a gazelle! Jesus, I love Kate Moss. Kate has been telling everyone what a damn liar Heather is.
(from dlisted.com).
i do not think cut and run is on the agenda.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
a T Shirt with a slogan can make you a terrorist threat.
AMY GOODMAN: The woman was Stephanie Schwartz. She joins us in the studio now. Hi, welcome to Democracy Now!
AMY GOODMAN: You’re a student here in New York?
STEPHANIE SCHWARTZ: Yeah, I’m a student at Hunter College.
AMY GOODMAN: And tell us exactly what happened and when it happened.
STEPHANIE SCHWARTZ: Sure. Two weeks ago, I got on the Staten Island Ferry. It was a Monday morning, and I was wearing this t-shirt.
AMY GOODMAN: And for our radio listeners, what does it say?
STEPHANIE SCHWARTZ: It says, “We will not be silent,”
both in Arabic and then in English. And as soon as my friends and I sat
down on the ferry, four Coast guard -- armed Coast Guard officers came
and, you know, positioned themselves around us and -- you know, a lot
of times on the ferry, you’ll see Coast Guard people patrolling, but
I’ve never seen four people stand in one place that long. And I kind of
joked to my friends, like, “Do you think it’s because of my t-shirt?”
But I didn’t really believe that they would have made such a big deal
about it. And we sat there for the half-hour ferry ride, and they
didn’t move.
And as I was getting off the boat, I was stopped by a security
guard who said, you know, “Excuse me, Miss, but you better not wear
that shirt on the ferry again.” And I was kind of taken aback. “Excuse
me? You know, what are you talking about?” And he said, “Well, I don’t
think it’s safe. This is a high-security area.” And, you know, I asked
him, “Well, what’s unsafe about this shirt? What do you think it
means?” And he didn’t actually comment on what the shirt meant. He just
asked me, you know, “Isn't it in Arabic?” And I said, well, you know --
I just kind of looked at him incredulously. I couldn’t believe he was
actually saying that.
And he said, “Well, you remember what happened on that JetBlue
flight?” referencing over the summer, when Raed Jarrar was wearing the
same shirt boarding a JetBlue flight at JFK. And I said, “Yeah, I
remember that incident. I think it was racial profiling, because they
didn’t allow him to wear the shirt on the plane, simply because it was
in Arabic, and they said they didn’t have a translator to tell them
what it meant.” And he said, you know, “Well, obviously you’re not a
threat to us, but someone else wearing that shirt might be.” And, you
know, I asked him if he meant by that that, you know, an Arab wearing a
shirt with Arabic script on it would be considered a terrorist. And he
didn’t answer the question. He just told me again that I better not
wear this shirt on the ferry.
AMY GOODMAN: And what are you doing now about this?
STEPHANIE SCHWARTZ: Well, just from talking to some other
activists in the city, people are pretty outraged that this is going
on, that the Coast Guard thinks they can just tell us what we can and
cannot wear. It’s a pretty clear violation of free speech. So this
afternoon at 5:00, there will be a group of us, all wearing this shirt,
boarding the ferry to see what happens. And, you know, hopefully in
numbers we’ll be able to get on the boat and not have any problems. But
if we do have problems, I hope we’ll make a big stink about it and let
it be known that the Coast Guard is not allowing people to wear shirts
that express their opinions.
AMY GOODMAN: Raed Jarrar, you started this a few weeks
ago, or perhaps it was a month ago. For our viewers and listeners who
are not familiar with what happened to you, could you briefly repeat
the story of trying to get on a JetBlue flight at Kennedy Airport?
RAED JARRAR: Yeah, I had a similar incident to what
Stephanie was describing. I was stopped in the airport, and a number of
officials from TSA and JetBlue and other agencies prevented me from
going to my airplane, because I was wearing the t-shirt in both Arabic
and English, and I was told in that time that wearing a t-shirt with
Arabic script and going to an airport in the U.S. is like going to a
bank and wearing a t-shirt that reads, “I’m a robber.” And after that,
after I was intimidated and I felt threatened that I would get arrested
or at least miss my airplane, I covered my t-shirt with a t-shirt that
they bought for me, but the incident --
AMY GOODMAN: Wait, wait, wait. Can you explain that? Who went and bought a t-shirt for you?
RAED JARRAR: A JetBlue employee ended up buying a t-shirt
for me, because I refused to take off my t-shirt or put it upside-down.
And then, after --
AMY GOODMAN: And what did the t-shirt say, that he bought for you?
RAED JARRAR: She. She bought a t-shirt that says “New
York,” just from the market. In fact, they had a small debate among
them, the security forces -- the security guards, whether they should
buy a t-shirt that reads, “I love New York,” or not. And then they
decided that maybe I will be offended, because they said, "No, we don’t
want to take him from one extreme to another?" And I asked them, “Why
do you think that I don’t love New York if I was wearing an Arabic
t-shirt?” And they did not answer. But we ended up just buying another
t-shirt with, like, “New York” or something. And I covered my first
t-shirt, and I felt really bad about it. I informed them that I’m not
doing this as a compromise. I’m doing it, because I don’t want to get
arrested, I don’t want to lose my flight, and I’m going to pursue the
issue through legal organizations.
But they did not stop there, in fact. They changed my seat
from the beginning of the airplane, and they changed it from like maybe
the third seat of the airplane to the last seat or the seat before the
last. And they said that -- I asked why. I said, “It’s my right to
choose my seat. If you have any limitations for Arabs or Muslims to
pick their seats, you should inform me on your website.” And they said,
“No.” They just mumbled something about a, you know, baby, like “We
need the seat for another person,” or something. But I felt really bad,
because this reminded me of what used to happen to African Americans in
the ’40s and ’50s, where they used to be sent to the back of buses
because there were black, and I felt that I’m being sent to the back of
airplane because I’m an Arab and because I’m brown.
AMY GOODMAN: Stephanie Schwartz, are you wearing this t-shirt because Raed Jarrar wore this t-shirt?
STEPHANIE SCHWARTZ: I actually got the t-shirt before the
JetBlue incident. I bought it at a protest this summer. We were in
Washington, D.C., protesting Israel's crimes in Lebanon, and I saw the
shirt, and I just thought, you know, what a great way for people to
kind of speak out in a very simple way against the racial profiling
that has been going on against Arabs and Muslims in this country and
just to say, you know, we -- Arabs, Muslims and the people who support
them -- won’t be silent.
AMY GOODMAN: Are you Jewish?
AMY GOODMAN: Does that weigh in here?
STEPHANIE SCHWARTZ: You know, I think I grew up, you
know, with the same kind of Hebrew school education that I think a lot
of Jewish kids grew up with, you know, kind of unquestioned support of
everything that Israel does, and, you know, I think when the war in
Iraq started, it started to bring out to me a lot of contradictions
that, you know, that I had in my own politics, that how could I, you
know, oppose the war in Iraq and support what Israel was doing in
Palestine? And it just became clear to me that if I was going to have
principled politics, I had to oppose both of those occupations and, you
know, I decided it was time to actually speak out against the crimes
that Israel is committing in Palestine and now in Lebanon.
AMY GOODMAN: Raed, the fact that the Coast Guard on the
ferry, the Staten Island Ferry, actually invoked what happened to you
as a precedent for telling Stephanie she wouldn’t be able to wear this
t-shirt anymore that has Arabic script above the “We will not be
silent,” what is your response to that?
RAED JARRAR: I am very shocked, in fact. I am very
shocked to see how my incident, my oppression in JFK is being used as a
precedent to justify oppressing more people. It makes me feel more
responsible to take this case furthermore and try to make a precedent
out of it, that you cannot oppress people and you cannot oppress the
freedom of expression. I thought that people like security officers
will feel ashamed of what happened and just people not use it as a
victory that will justify repeating the same shameful incident to other
Fear of God
references to God in their meetings before the Iraq war had made him
wary of Mr. Bush's political decisions. Mr. Schroeder also suggested
that America's Christian conservatives are not much different than
Islamists who impose their beliefs on entire nations.
Mr. Schroeder wrote in an advance excerpt of his memoirs that
Germany had stood by its vow of "unlimited solidarity" after the
September 11 attacks. But Germany stayed out of Iraq, causing a breach
in U.S.-Germany ties.
He wrote in "Decisions: My Life in Politics," excerpted
yesterday in Der Spiegel magazine, that he was alarmed by Mr. Bush's
talk of God, which made him fear religion influenced decisions.
"What worried me, despite a relaxed atmosphere to our talks,
and to a certain degree what made me skeptical was how much it came
through that this president saw himself as 'God-fearing' and saw that
as the highest authority," Mr. Schroeder wrote.
Mr. Schroeder, a Social Democrat who left politics after his
party lost a 2005 election to end his seven years in power, said he had
no qualms with Mr. Bush's Christian faith, but could not escape a fear
that religion was a driving force behind his decisions.
The former chancellor also took aim at America's Christian conservatives, Reuters news agency reports.
"Quite rightly, we criticize that in most Islamic states the
role of religion in society and the secular character of the legal
system are not clearly separated," he said. "But we haven't taken note
as readily of the U.S. Christian fundamentalists and their
interpretation of the Bible that show similar tendencies."
Saddam Hussein to be murdered for the GOP.
he does know too much,from the days when he was working for the West.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
born with a tail/Supersuckers
Sandy West
for The Runaways,has died
after a long fight against cancer.
i always feltThe Runaways were just slightly
at the wrong time.a bit too late for glam,and
a bit early for punk.
although Kim Fowley liked to give the impression
of them bein a manipulated ,created group.and
i suppose in some ways they were.
the music still sounds good today,and that
is really what matters.
hmmmmmmm,almost like it aint meant to be there.
Pope loses ring, faithful give it back
Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:11 PM BST
his ring tightened.
According to Italian media reports, the papal ring slipped
off his finger twice while he was shaking hands with
well-wishers as he left Verona's Bentegodi stadium on Thursday.
The faithful into whose palms the gold ring fell promptly
gave it back each time.
The ring is known as the "Fisherman's Ring," because it
depicts St Peter, the first pope, casting a net into the sea.
Religions don't deserve special treatment
about fuckin time.
Bono - a lawsuit to far?
i think we were all with him on the trousers,but for a stetson?
sheer madness.
can youse have a meeting,you do not seem to know waddafuk youse want.
![]() The advice does not relate to on the spot arrests |
advice not to execute arrest warrants against Muslims at prayer times
during Ramadan.
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) asked detectives not to make planned arrests for reasons of religious sensitivity.
But Mohammed Shafiq, from the Ramadhan Foundation, said:
"It's stupid, lunacy, that police could even consider not arresting
Muslims during Ramadan."
GMP said its advice was a "request for sensitivity" and not a ban on arrests.
'Community tensions'
The advice was e-mailed out to officers working in Moss
Side, Hulme, Whalley Range, Rusholme, Fallowfield, Ardwick, Longsight,
Gorton and Levenshulme.
The e-mail stressed the order did not apply to on-the-spot arrests, only the execution of arrest warrants.
Mr Shafiq said: "Greater Manchester Police have a history of policing
We must all be equal under the law
Ramadhan Foundation
the Muslim community with great sensitivity and understanding. That
this idea was even thought of is shocking.
"I don't know where they get these ideas from and I'm glad an officer was clearly angry enough to leak the memo.
"Police shouldn't hesitate to arrest any Muslims they had planned to during Ramadan. We must all be equal under the law.
"If people think Muslims are immune from the law, it will only stir up tensions within the community."
A GMP statement said: "The month of Ramadan is an
important time of the year for members of the Muslim community
throughout the world.
"It is important that normal, planned policing
activities and operations are maintained, while ensuring that officers
are professional and respectful to members of the community while going
about their duties."
Saturday, October 21, 2006
US Republicans launch terror ad
as many US soldiers have died in Dubyas war on terror,as died on 9/11.the world is a more dangerous place.america has gone from a massive surplus to a massive debt.
he has spent more than every other president ,put together.
and what has he achieved for the average american,sweet fuck all.
makes you think.
of the most famous faces of Hurricane
He refused to leave the French
Quarter of New Orleans,and was offered
shelter by a fellow bartenderwho quickly
became his new girlfriend,Addie Hall.
Hall and Bowen helped clean up the
streets and invited reporters round for
cocktails and cigarettes, claiming "We're
having a civilised hurricane."
Sadly, Addie ended up this week in a
cooking pot and Bowen jumped off
the roof of the Omni Hotel onTuesday.
Police found his girlfriend's head
in a pot on the stove, and her legs and feet
inside the oven.
The couple had recently moved into this flat.
It was above the Voodoo Spiritual Temple and Cultural Centre.
Blair Vs The Clash(mash up video thing)
Bartcop says............
I was answering an e-mail when I wrote this, and when I read it back I got
What I wrote was, "If we win in November, maybe we'll get some
It scared me because they can't afford to lose their grip on power.
these Fascist bastards are guilty of only half of what we suspect, they're
looking at
death in prison and they won't do that - they'll commit suicide
before they'll go to prison.
And in this Nov 7 elections, if the choices for the GOP are between "winning"
and "suicide,"
I think they're going to pull every trick in the book and ten
more we've never heard of.
They CAN'T let the democrats win because if the Democrats investigate the
Gascist bastards
will be put under oath and when the first guy cracks the
wall is going to crash real damn hard.
I'm calling it right
now, October 20:
The GOP will retain power in both houses.
It's not what I want, it's what
has to be - in their minds.
The truth can not come out -
it just f-ing can't
That truth MUST remain hidden no matter what the
The BFEE is Tony Montana and his house is surrounded by Columbians.
is rich, cunning, ruthless and he's trapped in a life-and-death corner.
How hard is Tony going to fight to win this next battle?
They've committed crimes again and again to cover their original crimes.
They can't afford to have these crimes see the light of day!
The only way I can be wrong is if they're not guilty of any major
Either they have a Diebold guarantee in place or a BIG terrorist strike is
so big that it causes a "temporary" postponement in the November
New Yorkers, don't you have a relative you need to visit in Iowa?
residents, how long since you've been to Atlanta?
Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe Bush & Cheney are decent, honest
who would never try to subvert the Constitution to gain
more money and more power...
you a re a murdering,lying sack of shit.
you're a man of faith.
Dubya: I'm sad for
people who don't like me because I happen to believe in the Almighty.
-- from
O'Reilly's pity party with Der Fuhrer, Link
that is why they don't like you.
the loser wins again.
Who Is 'Any Person'
in Tribunal Law?
by Robert Parry
The New
York Times lead editorial gives false comfort to American citizens by assuring
that they will not be victims of George W.
Bush's new draconian system for prosecuting enemies
of the U.S. government in military tribunals outside
constitutional protections.
"This law does not apply to American citizens," the Times
editorial stated,
So, what does the new Torture Act clearly state?
(< Bart's question.)
"Any person is
punishable as a principal under this chapter who commits an offense
by this chapter, or aids, abets,
counsels, commands, or procures its commission," according to
the law, passed by the Republican-controlled Congress in September
and signed by Bush on Oct. 17.
"Any person subject to
this chapter who, in breach of an allegiance or duty to the United
knowingly and intentionally aids an
enemy of the United States ... shall be punished as a military
commission � may direct. �
If the Times is correct that "this law does not apply to
American citizens," why does it contain
referring to Any person and then adding in an
adjacent context a reference to people
acting "in
breach of an allegiance or duty to the United States"?
As always, Parry is 100 correct. When the law states, clear as Lake Concha,
Any person ,
what part of Any
person excludes you and me?
For years, we at bartcop.com have said Bush can kidnap, torture and
murder anyone
whe wants. After a few years went by, the Whore Supreme Court
"George, you can't kidnap, torture and murder
suspects without the permission of Congress,"
so Bush went to
capitol Hill, forced McCain to bend over and Bush got what he wanted.
i think they let her win.
Play fair, Blair tells Russians
Thursday, October 19, 2006
it's a boy.
on sale,half price.how could i resist..look at his liddle eyes.
the headstock on mine is skinny,so he may be a bastard.but i love him all the same.
great for doin my james hetfield posing.
Jello was right,but he underestimated.
I am Governor Georgie Bush
My aura smiles
And never frowns
Soon I will be president...
Clinton Power will soon go away
I will be Fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school!
Amerikkka Uber Alles
Amerikkka Uber Alles
Uber Alles Amerikkka
Uber Alles Amerikkka
Zen fascists will control you
100% natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face
Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay
Mellow out or you will pay!
Now it is 2006
Knock-knock on that Hans Blix(?)
It's the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece
Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes here's a pretty flower.
DIE on organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Bush
When you mess with President Bush
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
shame on us all(he means americans,but we have blair,so in no position to comment).
Shame on
Us All
by Robert Parry
Excerpt: (Bart's edits)
History should record October 17, 2006, as the
reverse of July 4, 1776.
From the noble American ideal of each human being
possessing "unalienable rights,"
Bush effectively rescinded that concept by signing
the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
On the surface, the law sets standards for [dealing
with] supposed terrorists and "unlawful combatants,"
But the new law creates a parallel "star chamber"
system of criminal justice for anyone, including a US
citizen, who is suspected of [attacking] the
U.S. government or its allies anywhere on earth.
These tribunals could use secret evidence to prosecute
a wide range of "disloyal" American citizens.
The procedures are similar to "star chambers,"
which have been employed historically by absolute
monarchs and totalitarian states.
are not going to willingly give it up.
You don't steal unlimited power - then give it
You just don't.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Father of the Year?
fighting for justice and she has proved the hospital wrong by showing
all the things what they said she can't do--and is doing them. We will
continue to fight for her all the way as we believe that under any
circumstances you don't judge on an innocent childs life ."
-Darren Wyatt (Charlotte's Dad)
now read todays link from BBC news site.
guy deserves a good kicking..
Vietnamese death row prisoner escapes the chop
Another girl,Another planet.(if you dont get shivers down yer spine
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Dilbert guy speaks..........(sssssssssshhhhh).
Career Path
Have you been following the story of John Mark Karr? He’s the guy who
confessed to killing the little girl, JonBenet Ramsey. He was cleared by DNA
testing. Then he was arrested for child porn in an unrelated case. Those charges
just got dropped.
I’m wondering what kind of career you can have after you tell everyone that
you’re a pedophile child killer but it turns out that you’re really only a liar,
at least about the killing part. And you’re so incompetent that you can’t even
successfully go to jail. I think the answer is obvious:
He will run for Congress.
He’ll fit right in. He already has the lying part down. And he’s been sitting
around in jail for months, so he’s got the “do nothing” part nailed too. The
best part is that the public hates Congress more than they hate people who may
or may not have killed a child and may or may not be pedophiles. He’ll bring up
the average.
Getting elected will be easy. Karr has name recognition, and that almost
always predicts the winner. We Americans are easily bored by “issues.” We prefer
celebrities such as Sonny Bono and Ronald Reagan and Arnold Scwarzenegger and
anything Kennedy. We would elect a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts if it believed
in the Rapture.
Karr might even run unopposed. I mean, who would take a chance of running
against a confessed child killer and losing? That’s a stain you can’t get off
your resume.
If I voted, I’d vote for Karr just because he might have entertaining
political views. For example, does he favor stem cell research or does he just
want to have sex with them before killing them, allegedly?
And for once we’d have a politician who is willing to take responsibility. In
fact, he’d probably confess to causing global warming. “I intentionally ate too
many burritos. It’s all my fault. Seriously. I’m gassy.”
He’d be like a breath of fresh air, ironically.
surf punks/my wave
i like the comments here.
any kinda tune would be nice,instead of this typewriter style widdling.
i bet he cannot even play Louie Louie.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
time to start wearin ma kilt to work,i think.
Cross row stokes Christian anger
![]() Crosses have become fashion items as well as expressions of faith |
to conceal her cross necklace because it contravenes the company's
uniform policy. But has it added to a sense of unease among Christians?
Crosses may be a fixture around the necks of many
Christians, and have even become a fashion accessory for A-list
celebrities, but not everyone is happy to see them on display.
Heathrow check-in worker Nadia Eweida is on unpaid leave after refusing to cover up her cross necklace.
"I believe that it is a very important issue on the
matter of expressing Christianity and employees having their say in the
way they express their faith," she said.
British Airways says all jewellery and religious symbols on chains must be worn under the uniform.
But it makes an exception for Sikh turbans and Muslim hijabs because they cannot be covered up.
The airline says: "British Airways does recognise that uniformed employees may wish
to wear jewellery including religious symbols. These items can be worn, underneath the uniform."
Fiona's necklace
Airline British Midland has the same uniform policy,
which it says is based not on religion but on the kind of image the
company wants to present.
It is not the first time the cross has been subject to scrutiny in recent weeks.
The BBC admitted it had a discussion about newsreader
Fiona Bruce's cross necklace in the context of a wider debate about
impartiality and religious dress, though it insists there is no ban.
Meanwhile the row over Muslim veils is still rumbling
on, as a support teacher in Yorkshire fights suspension for wearing a
veil in lessons.
While many Christians work happily for firms that do not
allow crosses to be worn, some feel the action taken by British Airways
is symptomatic of a backlash against the Christian faith, at a time of
heightened sensitivity about religious apparel.
The Rev Brian Allenby, national director of Christians
at Work which promotes Christianity in the workplace, says displaying
the cross is important part of some Christians' faith.
"I think I think it's petty-minded for British Airways
to ask her to conceal the cross. My view is as long as they treat
everybody the same, that's not a problem," he said.
"For some Christians it will be very important.
"I suppose it's a bit like the issue with the Muslim veil. Some Muslim women wear it and some don't."
David Cannings, chairman of Christians in Politics,
which encourages people in public office to make their faith part of
their work, said religious imagery was becoming marginalised.
"We think such ostentatious expressions of faith are
starting to be pushed into the background in an attempt to treat people
equally and I think there's a danger that faith will be pushed into the
background at the same time.
"The debate is 'Is that what we want?' and I don't think we've answered the question.
"There's a danger we end up like in France where there's an absolute bar on any expression of faith in public society."
It's we [Christians] who are being persecuted
Christian traditions in the UK are deep-rooted and should not be pushed away completely, he said.
"We would be left with a character-less culture where the only expressions of faith are those required by other faiths."
And he said there was a danger the seeds of division
would be sown if some faiths were not allowed the same expression as
Devout Christian and MP, Ann Widdecombe, went further
and said the situation was "absolutely crazy" and that Christians were
"It's we who are being persecuted," she said.
Friday, October 13, 2006
the Uk's top model(and a very good song too).
not that skanky cokeheaded figure of an adolescent boy(hmm,i wonder why she is in demand in the fashion industry?)kate moss.
and do not get me started on pete fuckin doherty.
johnny thunders wrote some good tunes before headin into heroin/drug oblivion.
nothing i have heard by doherty is any good at all
best quote of all time?(from Miles of Music.)
clients, customers, crappy days, stupid co-workers... the usual stuff. Several
contenders amongst this bunch for Crankiest Person Ever. This comment, the
utterer shall remain anonymous, made me laugh out loud and, by far, has
surpassed the normal level of crankiness: "I have a long standing fantasy that
Sting challenges Bono to a duel & they kill each other. Makes me smile
every time."
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
that cannot be correct.(from IHRC)
Islamophobia Awards is an annual event to acknowledge - through satire,
revue and comedy - the worst Islamophobes of the year.
around a gala dinner, the 'awards' themselves are both entertaining and
raise awareness of a serious and growing prejudice. Real awards are
given to those who have battled against Islamophobia - often against
enormous odds.
how can they do satire and comedy against Islamaphobes?
that would make them just as bad,as those who joked about them.
i must have misread it.
from http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news
yet they seem to be on the front page of the papers every fuckin day ,cos somebody looked at one of em a bit funny.
there was a TV show across here called Room 101,where "celebrities"could pick things to vanish of the planet ,to room 101,never to be seen again.
one edition,the hooked faced presenter of ,the weakest link,anne robinson,said she would like Wales(the country)to go into oblivion.a few Welsh folk foned or wrote into complain.most could not give a single solitary flyin fuck.
and those that did complain were mocked by all the press for bein stoopid and overreacting...it is only a TV programme.
if she had said muslims,she would have had a Fatwa(death sentence like that Rushdie guy)there would have been riots in muslim areas,and the news headlines would lead with the story.
all for offending 3% of the UK population.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
even his own party are distancing themselves from him,to give themselves a better chance in the polls.
one persons view on The Amish killings.(http://ginmar.livejournal.com/904108.html)
When Marian Fisher was tied up in the one-room Amish school house, she
saw how terrified the littler girls--some as young as five----were.
"Shoot me first," she offered the killer, hoping it would spare the
younger ones.
"Shoot me second," said another one of the older girls, stepping forward. Marian was the oldest, remember. She was thirteen.
The killer's family kept vigil outside his house as the funeral
corteges, one by one, rolled past his house, with many of the Amish
drivers exchanging nods with the family. They invited the murderer's
widow to the funerals, and included his children and widow in their
charitable funds.
It's important not to think of the Amish as
dewy innocents, perfect and spotless, for their own good as well as
ours. Perfection is a stupid thing to aspire to. No community is free
from problems, yet it's how they respond to those problems that show
their measure. In this crisis, the Amish have reacted not as did a man
who lost his son at Columbine---blaming his own enemies for his son's
death, to make some bitter profit off his son's death-----but by
forgiving and most crucially, remembering. They have not blamed
telephones and electricity for these murders. They have not blamed at
all. They have forgiven and included, remembering the murderer's widow
in their hearts and in their practical plans, including her rather than
casting her out, remembering their decency, remembering the others
around them. We tend to forget many things in the modern world, but
first and most often we forget other people who remind us of ourselves,
in their frailty, moments of idiocy or weakness, or even viciousness.
We don't want to think of ourselves in those terms, becuaes it's those
things that people remember. The Amish might remember those, but they
also appear capable of seeing the whole, which makes forgiveness
They're not perfect, not by a long shot. Yet in
their attempts to live by their beliefs, for this week, they have shown
how memory has to be full, how in fleeing from our fears we have only
been entrapped by them. By reaching out with forgiveness and with
inclusion they have removed some hatred from their community.
It's impossible not to look at their behavior this week and think about
forgiveness, about atonement, about possibility. It's impossible not to
look at them and think of that angry bitter man from Columbine, using
his son's death as an opportunity to increase his anger and bitterness.
The Amish, instead, asked for the killer's family to be included in the
Will there still be anger at this? Of course; we're
all human, and anger is the measure of how we value ourselves. There's
healthy anger and unhealthy, of course, and to keep the one from
turning into the other it has to be channeled into justice rather than
revenge. The killer is dead but his family is alive, but that doesn't
mean they are appropriate targets. In fact, the causes of this killer's
actions are diverse and difficult to fight, and the temptation would be
to what drove him and focus on the easiest target---the family left
behind. By all acounts, he seethed with rage for decades and then
turned that rage upon the very people he wanted to harm.
Turning our anger upon people who did nothing to deserve it---his
family----is no different from what he did, finding blame to justify
our hostility. By killing himself, he left his family behind as his
proxies, leaving them as targets. The Amish refused to take the bait,
knowing the difference between a killer and those he left wounded but
alive behind him. In other school shootings, the killer's families have
been ostracized and reviled, and it's human to want to do so.
In the emotional storm after a murder, the last thing a survivor needs
is advice from someone who has not experienced tragedy, who has not
lost someone to murder, who has not gone through what the victim has
gone through. Maybe forgiveness is not immediately possible or possible
at all, and it's important under any circumstances to draw the line
between the victims who lost their lives or their health with the
family of the killer, who at least keep their lives. But we have to
try. That's all. We all fail, we all screw up, we're all stupid and
impatient and angry and bitter and bad-tempered. What matters is that
we keep trying, even that we just try.
should be a shock,but it aint.(from theregister.co.uk)
Bugging offices is not a crime (in UK)
Pretexting is for kids
Bugging offices in the UK is not a criminal offence, according to surveillance and legal experts speaking to OUT-LAW radio.
While recording a phone conversation is a criminal offence, someone
could place a recording device in an office legally, they said.
In an investigation into corporate surveillance techniques, the
weekly technology law podcast OUT-LAW discovered that no offence is
committed by placing a bug in a workplace to secretly record
"There's nothing in any piece of legislation that stops you from
putting a physical bug in a room, an office or something like that
provided you are there lawfully and you haven't committed any criminal
offence to get access to it," said Victoria Southern, a lawyer at
Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind OUT-LAW.
"There is no UK law that says thou shalt not bug by means of
transmission device," said Justin King of counter-surveillance
consultancy C2i. "You wouldn't go down on criminal law, you're not
actually committing a criminal offence."
In the wake of the bugging scandal which has engulfed Hewlett
Packard, OUT-LAW investigated whether it was possible to conduct legal
surveillance in the UK, and what common practices were. It soon emerged
that placing a bug is legal.
Companies attempting this will almost certainly fall foul of data
protection legislation once they begin using the data they have
collected, said Southern.
"If the bug is recording the goings on in a particular room that
could take you into the realms of data protection. It requires that
data is processed fairly and lawfully and when you are looking at
whether data is processed fairly you look at what data subjects have
been told," she said.
"If the bug's just been planted there and no-one's been told it's
recording the particular goings on in a room then there's a good
argument that the processing could be considered to be unfair," said
That, though, will only lead to a warning from the Data Protection
Commissioner's office, which is unlikely to be a significant deterrent
for private investigators. It could become more serious than that,
"The Information Commissioner (ICO) could issue an enforcement order
which could say to the private organisation that they must cease
processing," said Southern. "If they continue to [break it] then that
could become criminal liability under the Data Protection Act."
King has another suggestion. "If you connect your microphone to the
ring mains and use 240 volts to power it you could probably be done for
theft of electricity," he said.
The rules are clearer on telephone conversations, said Southern. "If
you are recording a telephone conversation then there is a specific
criminal offence provided for in those circumstances," she said.
Hewlett Packard is still embroiled in its bugging scandal.
Californian Attorney General Bill Lockyer has filed four felony counts
against each of five people, one of whom is ex-chairwoman Patricia Dunn.
"One of our state's most venerable corporate institutions lost its
way as its board sought to find out who leaked confidential company
information to the press," said Lockyer.
Friday, October 06, 2006
emails,a blessing and a curse.
fires up ma emails ,first one i read says my section will have to provide 2 folk at least. to cover our fones.
so one of us normal late starts will have to come in early.
i was a little steamed to say the least,so i fired of a long, ranting very sweary ,email to mybrudda.
good to vent and thought no more about it.....felt a bit better.
10.15 pm,my s/visor comes across with a print.
"iain,can you translate this for me?"
i saw a familiar looking message,how the fuck did he get that?
then i realised,i musta hit reply instead of send..HOLY SHIT!
i had to think fast,it ended up in a very"frank and forthright"discussion.with my whole section venting.
i mentioned i was already on meds for high BP and ssthat the shambles of the place was the reason for my ouburst.frustration at not bein able to do my job properly.
the email?
long since deleted,but i do have a print in case he casts it up.
to give you a wee taster.it starts of with..............
"he is trying to be a smart kunt..............."
you get the idea.
Dubya speaks to a fellow nazi,da pope(hitler youth,that counts).(from Whitehouse.org)
White House Switchboard Transcript
THE PRESIDENT: That you, Scat-Finger? It's me, George W. Bush.
BENEDICT XVI: Ja! Tank you for returning my call, Miztur Prezident.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I heard you're having a little tiff with them loonybird Moohammed-lovers. That true?
BENEDICT XVI: Ja! Zis iz true! Apparently, zey iz not liking it ven zey iz called ze "evil" und ze "inhuman"!
Zey say zey iz going to cruzify ze Pope! Und ze Pope iz very, very vorried!
THE PRESIDENT: (Laughs.) Yeah, them fellers can get real touchy sometimes – especially when folks torture,
humiliate and subjugate them – or point out all the batshit violent stuff in that "Coor-Anne" book of theirs.
BENEDICT XVI: But vy iz zis? Iz right zere on ze pages of zere book!
THE PRESIDENT: Beats me, but I'm guessing it's kinda like when when us McJesus guys get all pissy when
anyone dares to laugh at all the ridiculous shit in the Bible.
BENEDICT XVI: But zis iz ze BIBLE, und ze Bible iz ze vord of God!
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, well me and you know that. But those stupid Islammostanians, well, a long time ago they
went and let themselves get brainwashed by some sandal-wearing huckster with a messiah complex, if you can
imagine anything as dumb as that. He told them he wanted his book to always be #1 on Amazon.com, and that anyone
who didn't believe every word he said would burn in Hell. Psycho-crazy stuff, right?
BENEDITC XVI: Ja! Zey is ze totally bonkers! Und zey made me so scared, I vaz apologizing und apologizing
again und again, but ze Mooselums iz still vanting to kill me!
THE PRESIDENT: Well that was your first mistake right there,
Scat-Finger. If there's one thing that A-rabs and me agree on, it's
that apologizing is for pussies. And if you're a swishy old virgin who
prances around in red Prada clogs, a white dress and gold jewelry, you
can't really afford to be doing anything that makes you look even more
pussyish, you hear?
BENEDICT XVI: Ja. So vat iz it zat I must do?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, luckily, it's easy to keep those gas jockeys in line. First thing you do is load up your
Stealth Bombers with a few – start with ten thousand – JDAMs and bunker-busters. Then you–
BENEDICT XVI: Und you vill be zending zese to me?
BENEDICT XVI: Ze bomber und ze bombs?
THE PRESIDENT: You mean you don't have those?
THE PRESIDENT: Oh. Well... then you'd better mobilize at least 100,000
troops for an invasion force. You've got that, right?
BENEDICT XVI: Nein. (Sniffs.)
THE PRESIDENT: Yeesh. OK, then shelve the offense and focus on defense. You'll want to surround your
headquarters with at least two battalions of Marines with M-16s and Stinger RPGs. Tell them to kill anything that–
BENEDICT: Nein! Ze Vatican does not have ze Marines, eizer. Only ze Sviss guards! (Whimpers.)
THE PRESIDENT: Wha? Who? Wait – are you telling me that the only thing standing between you and assassination
by bloodthirsty Allah freaks is a few dozen swishy faggots in striped clown suits?
BENEDICT XVI: Ja! (Sobs softly.)
THE PRESIDENT: (Laughs.) Oh man, you are fucked.
Tell you what, I'll think about this some more and call you later.
BENEDICT XVI: But vait! Vait! Zey vant to KILL ME! Vat am I going to do???
PRESIDENT: Watch your back, Scat-Finger.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
even more from the Dilbert guy.(i am on a day off,plus it is a gazillion times better than what i could come up with).
Here now, more true tales of Induhviduals as reported by vigilant DNRC members:
There was a question in our company newsletter asking about whether
they could water the flowers in the bathrooms since they were looking
wilted and sick. The response was "The flowers are artificial."
[Editor’s note: Evidently some employee created a restroom gas cloud
powerful enough to wilt artificial plants. You have to admire that on
some level.]
Our health teacher told us that "1 out of 3 people who start
smoking will eventually die." The other two apparently became immortal.
So a few friends and I were at a museum, and they had this wall
of analog clocks with a city name written under each one, showing what
time it was around the world. We had about ten clocks in view, when my
friend looks at a clock, looks at his watch, looks at the clock again,
and says, “Well, this one’s pretty close, but all the others are way
One week, we had the Land O' Lakes brand on sale and a customer
came, and asked for one pound of store brand cheese. Trying to be
helpful, I told her that we had the Land O' Lakes cheese on sale for
cheaper. She asked me what the difference was, and I told her that Land
O' Lakes was better. Her response: "I'll take a pound of the [store]
We were interviewing a new recruit and the owner of the company
made this statement during the interview: "I believe people are more
fragile than eggs, and if it were up to me, I would rather play with my
eggs." It took quite a bit of restraint not to burst out in hysterical
fits of laughter.
While working for a leather company, we were chatting in the
lab about food. One of the other lab technicians pondered aloud, "I
wonder why you never get the skin on beef?"
Every time my husband gets a new temp assignment, he gets a new
security badge. The temp stands against the wall and the camera –
generally in a fixed position – snaps the ID photo. My husband uses a
wheelchair. So his security picture features the blank wall above his
On a canal boating holiday, the boat had a shower, with a stirrup pump that pumped excess water through the side of the hull.
A friend (an engineer) asked “Why didn't they put the hole in the bottom of the boat?”
I went to a local pizza restaurant and asked about the
difference between a large and a medium pizza. The Induhvidual told me
the large pizza had 10 slices and the medium had 8 slices. I told her
to take one of the large pizzas, cut it into 8 slices, and I would pay
for a medium. She just stared at me like I had asked her a question
about Euclidian Geometry.
I went into my local bookstore and explained I needed Mein
Kampf by Adolf Hitler for a politics essay, the woman behind the desk
said "Is it a new release?"
In the interview, which had been going very well up to this
point, the interviewer asked, "Why do you want to leave your current
job?" In my Induhvidual moment, I responded "It's too much work."
Needless to say I didn't get any further consideration.
A few of us were talking about fighter planes and one of my
friends asked, "If a plane is going faster than the speed of a bullet
when it fires, does the bullet come out the back of the plane?" We were
all surprised when he failed out of the engineering program the
following semester.
I was paying my cell phone bill with a debit card. The
Induhvidual behind the counter carefully checked my signature with the
one on the card. I guess that’s to prevent people from stealing wallets
and going around paying the victim’s bills.
Here now, more true tales of Induhviduals as reported by vigilant DNRC members:
There was a question in our company newsletter asking about whether
they could water the flowers in the bathrooms since they were looking
wilted and sick. The response was "The flowers are artificial."
[Editor’s note: Evidently some employee created a restroom gas cloud
powerful enough to wilt artificial plants. You have to admire that on
some level.]
Our health teacher told us that "1 out of 3 people who start
smoking will eventually die." The other two apparently became immortal.
So a few friends and I were at a museum, and they had this wall
of analog clocks with a city name written under each one, showing what
time it was around the world. We had about ten clocks in view, when my
friend looks at a clock, looks at his watch, looks at the clock again,
and says, “Well, this one’s pretty close, but all the others are way
One week, we had the Land O' Lakes brand on sale and a customer
came, and asked for one pound of store brand cheese. Trying to be
helpful, I told her that we had the Land O' Lakes cheese on sale for
cheaper. She asked me what the difference was, and I told her that Land
O' Lakes was better. Her response: "I'll take a pound of the [store]
We were interviewing a new recruit and the owner of the company
made this statement during the interview: "I believe people are more
fragile than eggs, and if it were up to me, I would rather play with my
eggs." It took quite a bit of restraint not to burst out in hysterical
fits of laughter.
While working for a leather company, we were chatting in the
lab about food. One of the other lab technicians pondered aloud, "I
wonder why you never get the skin on beef?"
Every time my husband gets a new temp assignment, he gets a new
security badge. The temp stands against the wall and the camera –
generally in a fixed position – snaps the ID photo. My husband uses a
wheelchair. So his security picture features the blank wall above his
On a canal boating holiday, the boat had a shower, with a stirrup pump that pumped excess water through the side of the hull.
A friend (an engineer) asked “Why didn't they put the hole in the bottom of the boat?”
I went to a local pizza restaurant and asked about the
difference between a large and a medium pizza. The Induhvidual told me
the large pizza had 10 slices and the medium had 8 slices. I told her
to take one of the large pizzas, cut it into 8 slices, and I would pay
for a medium. She just stared at me like I had asked her a question
about Euclidian Geometry.
I went into my local bookstore and explained I needed Mein
Kampf by Adolf Hitler for a politics essay, the woman behind the desk
said "Is it a new release?"
In the interview, which had been going very well up to this
point, the interviewer asked, "Why do you want to leave your current
job?" In my Induhvidual moment, I responded "It's too much work."
Needless to say I didn't get any further consideration.
A few of us were talking about fighter planes and one of my
friends asked, "If a plane is going faster than the speed of a bullet
when it fires, does the bullet come out the back of the plane?" We were
all surprised when he failed out of the engineering program the
following semester.
I was paying my cell phone bill with a debit card. The
Induhvidual behind the counter carefully checked my signature with the
one on the card. I guess that’s to prevent people from stealing wallets
and going around paying the victim’s bills.
Here now, more true tales of Induhviduals as reported by vigilant DNRC members:
There was a question in our company newsletter asking about whether
they could water the flowers in the bathrooms since they were looking
wilted and sick. The response was "The flowers are artificial."
[Editor’s note: Evidently some employee created a restroom gas cloud
powerful enough to wilt artificial plants. You have to admire that on
some level.]
Our health teacher told us that "1 out of 3 people who start
smoking will eventually die." The other two apparently became immortal.
So a few friends and I were at a museum, and they had this wall
of analog clocks with a city name written under each one, showing what
time it was around the world. We had about ten clocks in view, when my
friend looks at a clock, looks at his watch, looks at the clock again,
and says, “Well, this one’s pretty close, but all the others are way
One week, we had the Land O' Lakes brand on sale and a customer
came, and asked for one pound of store brand cheese. Trying to be
helpful, I told her that we had the Land O' Lakes cheese on sale for
cheaper. She asked me what the difference was, and I told her that Land
O' Lakes was better. Her response: "I'll take a pound of the [store]
We were interviewing a new recruit and the owner of the company
made this statement during the interview: "I believe people are more
fragile than eggs, and if it were up to me, I would rather play with my
eggs." It took quite a bit of restraint not to burst out in hysterical
fits of laughter.
While working for a leather company, we were chatting in the
lab about food. One of the other lab technicians pondered aloud, "I
wonder why you never get the skin on beef?"
Every time my husband gets a new temp assignment, he gets a new
security badge. The temp stands against the wall and the camera –
generally in a fixed position – snaps the ID photo. My husband uses a
wheelchair. So his security picture features the blank wall above his
On a canal boating holiday, the boat had a shower, with a stirrup pump that pumped excess water through the side of the hull.
A friend (an engineer) asked “Why didn't they put the hole in the bottom of the boat?”
I went to a local pizza restaurant and asked about the
difference between a large and a medium pizza. The Induhvidual told me
the large pizza had 10 slices and the medium had 8 slices. I told her
to take one of the large pizzas, cut it into 8 slices, and I would pay
for a medium. She just stared at me like I had asked her a question
about Euclidian Geometry.
I went into my local bookstore and explained I needed Mein
Kampf by Adolf Hitler for a politics essay, the woman behind the desk
said "Is it a new release?"
In the interview, which had been going very well up to this
point, the interviewer asked, "Why do you want to leave your current
job?" In my Induhvidual moment, I responded "It's too much work."
Needless to say I didn't get any further consideration.
A few of us were talking about fighter planes and one of my
friends asked, "If a plane is going faster than the speed of a bullet
when it fires, does the bullet come out the back of the plane?" We were
all surprised when he failed out of the engineering program the
following semester.
I was paying my cell phone bill with a debit card. The
Induhvidual behind the counter carefully checked my signature with the
one on the card. I guess that’s to prevent people from stealing wallets
and going around paying the victim’s bills.
more from the Dilbert guy.
Here are some more true quotes from people who put the DUH in In-duh-vidual, as reported by DNRC field operatives.
"Well that really throws a wrench in the ointment."
"I think there's something wrong with my alarm clock; it keeps making this really loud noise in the morning!"
When talking to a colleague about my newborn twins, she asked what
genders they were. “A boy and a girl,” I answered. My colleague’s next
question: “Are they identical?”
"That's water over the bridge."
"You're dead meat in the water."
"That stands out like a diamond in a goat's butt!"
"You shouldn't violate the law because that's illegal."
"They have us by the balls of our feet."
"Never pet a burning dog."
"It's hotter than a French hen."
"They should lock him up and throw away the book."
"They cooked themselves. Now they have to lay in it."
“Make sure you cross your p's and q's.”
"Don't look a blind horse in the eye."
"I put my wrong foot in the wrong mouth at the wrong time!"
"Cows died to give us that cheese."
"Don't slap the hand that milks you."
"Call me back at your least convenience."
"It's six of one and one of the other."
"I can't do it in the spur of a hat."
"That's going to change the whole ball of works."
"They're not the brightest box of cookies."
"The pro's for are more than the pro's against"
“I wouldn't touch him as far as I could throw him.”
BBC on bended knee to pacify a minority,again.
course you fuckin can,same mob as fuckin usual.
a BBC newsreader has been told she cannot wear a crucifix while reading the news,lest it offend da mooslims.
i am not religious myself,but as far as i know she has not suggested anyone should go and kill any of em,or made any contraversial comments against their religion.
why can she not then wear a symbol of her own religion?
another similar tale was of a picture for a passport being refused by the Passport people,as the child was wearing a vest.and bare shoulders may offend them..
fucks sake it is a wee girl in her favorite top.how the hell is her mom gonna explain that she will need to get another fofto taken.
it is the cartoon thing ,all over again.
would any other officer have been given the same choice?
Inquiry into embassy police row
![]() Sir Ian Blair ordered the review after reports in the Sun newspaper |
An inquiry has been ordered by Met Police chief Sir Ian Blair after
a Muslim constable was excused from guarding the Israeli embassy in
Sir Ian says he wants an "urgent review of the situation and a full report".
The Sun newspaper said the officer was reassigned on "moral grounds" as he objected to Israeli actions in Lebanon.
But the Association of Muslim Police Officers said it
was a "welfare issue" - the officer had Middle Eastern relatives and
felt unsafe in that role.
The officer, who has been named as Pc Alexander Omar Basha, is attached to the Scotland Yard's Diplomatic Protection Group.
The particular officer has brought an issue forward. His wife is Lebanese and his father is from Syria
He has a Syrian father and a Lebanese wife.
During the summer, when Israel was involved in a
month-long conflict with Lebanese militants, Pc Basha asked to be moved
from the Israeli embassy because he felt uncomfortable and unsafe.
Now the conflict is over, the Association of Muslim
Police Officers - which is speaking on his behalf - said Pc Basha had
asked to be excused from his duties because he felt "uncomfortable and
Superintendent Dal Babu, from the association, told BBC
News the officer's reassignment had nothing to do with politics but was
an "issue around the welfare of a particular officer".
"The particular officer has brought an issue forward. His wife is Lebanese and his father is from Syria.
"He brought this issue up at the start of August and has expressed a desire to be posted elsewhere whilst the war was going on."
Oath of allegiance
Supt Babu said Pc Basha was now back on diplomatic
protection group duties and that "if an incident happens at the Israeli
embassy he will deal with it".
Supt Babu accepted that excusing officers from assignments because of moral beliefs would be unacceptable.
"I think that we're going down a very, very slippery
slope if we then start having postings based on individual officers'
conscience," he said.
"As police officers we have to deal with some very
difficult situations and we need to be objective and make sure that we
police all members of the community fairly.
"We can't pick and choose."
officers have political, religious, ideological or moral views about
things then they've got to put their duties above that because their
service is to the public
Lord Mackenzie, former president of the Superintendents'
Association of England and Wales, said the move sounded like "a step
too far".
"There are cases where clearly you can grant compassionate leave in certain circumstances," he said.
"But if officers have political, religious, ideological
or moral views about things then they've got to put their duties above
that because their service is to the public.
"What we don't want is a situation where one particular
section of the community is given special reasons for not performing
duties because that will simply alienate the rest."
A Scotland Yard spokesman said it would sometimes
consider a special request to be moved on moral grounds - but added it
reserved the right to post an officer anywhere.
The Metropolitan Police Authority, which oversees the force's work, pointed out that police officers took an oath of allegiance.
The authority, which has also asked for a report, said
officers often had to undertake duties where the subject conflicted
with their personal beliefs.
tradgedy ranking system from Dilbert.blog
Every time there’s a military
conflict, someone points out that many of the victims were NOT adult
men. The theory is that a tragedy is way more tragic if anyone other
than adult men get killed. If you throw a woman or a minor or a puppy
into the mix then we all have a reason to be sadder and madder.
I totally agree with the view that some tragedies are more tragic
than others, depending on who is involved. But I do demand efficiency.
That’s why I propose ranking the value of all types of people so I can
more easily judge how sad I should feel when they get killed.
For example, if 400 villagers are buried in a mudslide, I’d like to
know how many of them were drunks, assholes, nags, dickheads, crooks,
or males, just to pick a few examples. I wouldn’t feel as much pressure
to feel bad about that portion of the village. In the best case
scenario, the victims would all be adult men with no special talents.
That’s barely even a tragedy. We adult males have our uses to be sure,
but society agrees that it’s not such a big deal when someone kills us.
I think that the main reason there are so many wars is that most of
the soldiers are adult males. If all wars had to be fought exclusively
by second graders or contestants from the Special Olympics, no one
would ever start a war because the results would be too tragic.
Was the 2004 Election Stolen?......................well,duh.
but just in case he developed thoughts of his own,they had a safety Plan B in their pocket.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Kissinger - from Consortiumnews .com
the Bush administration's main advisor during the war
has been Henry Kissinger. Kissinger apparently
has convinced the Bush White House that any troop
withdrawals from Iraq will start a wave of public
pressure to pull out all U.S. forces from Iraq.
He is probably right in this analysis.
But Kissinger missed the main lesson of Vietnam
and is now missing it in Iraq. As the U.S. generals in
Iraq know, killing more Sunni insurgents and
Shi'ite militiamen than the United States loses of its own
troops will not win a war that is fundamentally
As Lieutenant General William Odom has noted,
the Iraq situation will continue to deteriorate and the
United States will eventually be forced to withdraw
from Iraq. So withdrawing sooner, rather than later,
according to Odom, will save U.S. lives and money
and salvage what international prestige the US has left.
in Vietnam, the United States, its military, and its
international standing would not have been tarnished
by four additional years of war. And even worse
than Vietnam, continued U.S. occupation of Iraq
is fueling and worsening the Islamic terrorist threat
to the United States, according to an estimate
from Bush�s own intelligence agencies.