Sunday, October 29, 2006


although i do not go to as many gigs as i used to,not as many play here as used to,most of the good venues have gone now,plus a lot of the bands i used to go and see have split up also.
i still go to some.
many is the time we will be at work and the subject of what everyone is doing comes up.
i used to say ,"i am going to a gig on saturday"
"who is it?"
"i do not think you will have heard of them."
"tell me anyway,you never know*
"it is XYZ(where XYZ = any band)"
"no,i have not heard of them.who do they sound like?"

and so it would go on.
the other question is ,
"what kind of music do you like?"
"all different kinds"
"yeah ,but what is your favourite?"
"depends on what mood i am in,it can vary"
"i like Pop music."
me.."what,all pop music?"

it seems to me there are really only 2 types of music.
music you like,and music you don't.

if it gives me a chill/shivers down my spine......then it is type 1.
if i want to switch it off,or turn it down..a lot,type 2.

dunno why i like some music and not others.
it is not about technical ability,or production quality on whatever format ,or saying something meaningful with the lyrics(although,sometimes it is).or chord structure.

it is just about that shiver down the spine.

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